Financial Jihad

Tithing for Terrorists
Financing jihad.
National Review

By Rachel Ehrenfeld & Alyssa A. Lappen

The Washington Times
The camel in the tent
By Rachel Ehrenfeld and Alyssa A. Lappen
October 8, 2007

 The Hamas PR Machine

FALL 2007 • VOLUME I: NUMBER 2 Printer-friendly Email this item RSS Feed 

The Hamas PR Machine in America

by Rachel Ehrenfeld and Alyssa A. Lappen
Fall 2007

Mapping Shari’a in America: Why SANE?

by Dave Gaubatz

April 22, 2007 01:00 PM EST

Finally, it is important to note that our task is not redundant of the excellent work begun by Steven Emerson and Rachel Ehrenfeld. In many respects, these two pioneering, innovative, courageous and diligent investigators have set the standard for citizen awareness of Islamic Jihad in America. Mr. Emerson has compiled a world-class data base on known terrorists and organizations. Ms. Ehrenfeld has carefully documented their financial networks and how to get at them. Both Ehrenfeld   and Emerson are national security assets.

Letter to the Editor

Alyssa A. Lappen
The Pedestal Magazine
February 2007 (written and submitted Dec. 2006)
…The Palestinian Authority has for the better part of 13 years autonomously controlled the disputed territories—aka the West Bank and Gaza. The PA constitution [here, in Arabic] seeks to impose radical Islam and Shari’a law. Since 1993, moreover, PA leaders have wrought destruction— democratic, economic, educational and socialof Palestinian Arab potential to live peacefully and prosper. The PA has allowed Muslim terror to destroy the local Christian community: the PA Christian population, (20 percent after World War II), has plunged since 1993 to less than 1.7 percent.

…Since 1967, Israel had built schools, universities, hospitals, water and electrical systems in those territories, in addition to covering health care for Palestinian Arabs. But since the Oslo Accords, Palestinian leadership invested foreign aid of at least $100 billion in arms, terror, graft and corruption, while filling the Swiss, private bank coffers of Yasser Arafat (and undoubtedly, many other Fatah leaders). Despite long pretense of enmity , the Fatah “political party” shares basic goals, and has cooperated completely, with Hamas since at least 1995. In addition to Fatah’s own terror campaign, Arafat’s “moderates” condone and support Hamas terror attacks on Jews and Israel, despite Oslo’s prohibitions against them.

Funding Hamas  

By Alyssa A. Lappen | Wednesday, February 01, 2006{F2CF16FD-EBF2-4316-90FD-11174EE358A1}
…Article 7 of the Hamas charter calls for global Islamic hegemony, at the same time justifying genocide of the Jewish people. It concludes with a hadith recounted in the 9th Century by al-Bukhari, which states:

The Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to implement Allah’s promise, whatever time that may take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: “The Day of Judgment will not come about until the Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them), until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: Oh Muslim! Oh Abdullah!, there is a Jew behind me, come on and kill him. Only the Gharqad tree would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.”…

The UN Gives Hamas a Raise  

By Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld and Alyssa A. Lappen | Friday, January 06, 2006{E4DE77B2-B0DC-4DC6-B5EC-7D07661F5EF6}



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