I have decided to repost this sermon given in a Saudi Mosque in September 2002. Though this is a blog about Shairah Finance, it is imperative that one understand what life and preachings are under the dictates of Shariah Law. Anyone who believes that Islamic law and Shariah law are compatable with civil free society must understand that this religion is not a threat to our way of life in democracy, will compromise the very foundations of free speech that they enjoy today. If our economy, and economic infrastructure become compatible with a religion that prohits free speech, free thought, and considers anyone other than a Muslim, a “kuffar” we will see subtle changes at first in our society, but eventually will lead to our submission, which is the plan.

Selling out for the “big bucks” will only bring us closer to the oppressive society that is the Middle East today. I suggest that you read this, print it out, and send it around to remind yourself about the dangers of Islam and Democracy. We live in a society that gives you freedom of religion, their society is freedom from any religion but Islam. Goldman Sachs, Citibank, Och-Ziff, Traelodge, Holiday Inn, Madame Tussauds, Barneys NY, Loehmanns, HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Saks Fifth Avenue, are but a few companies that have sold their souls to the hands of Islamic Banks, Corporations, and leaders of oppressive regimes like Saudi Arabia.

(thanks to MEMRI for this sermon)

Comments by Allyson Rowen Taylor
Friday Sermons in Saudi Mosques: (PT1)
Review and Analysis
September 26, 2002

Friday sermons delivered in the main mosques of Saudi Arabia are available
on the Saudi-based website www.alminbar.net.[1] The following is a review
and analysis of the major themes featured in these sermons:
Part I – ‘The Christians and the Jews are “Infidels,” “Enemies of Allah”‘
The majority of sermons discuss Christians, Jews, or the “Camp of Kufur”[2]
concurrently. However, some sermons specifically target Christians and
Christianity. In a sermon delivered at the Al-Salaam mosque in ‘Al-Unayzah,
Sheikh Abd Al-Muhsin Al-Qadhi said: “Today we will talk about one of the
distorted religions, about a faith that deviates from the path of
righteousness. about Christianity, this false faith, and about the people
whom Allah described in his book as deviating from the path of
righteousness. We will examine their faith, and we will review their
history, full of hate, abomination, and wars against Islam and the

“In this distorted and deformed religion, to which many of the inhabitants
of the earth belong, we can see how the Christians deviate greatly from the
path of righteousness by talking about the concept of the Trinity. As far
they are concerned, God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost: three
who are one.”

“They see Jesus, peace be upon him, as the son of Allah. It is the
Christians who believe that Jesus was crucified.[3] According to them, he
was hanged on the cross with nails pounded through his hands, and he cried,
‘My God, why have you forsaken me?’ According to them, this was so that he
would atone for the sins of mankind.”

“Regardless of all these deviations from the path of righteousness, it is
possible to see many Muslims. who know about Christianity only what the
Christians claim about love, tolerance, devoting life to serving the needy,
and other distorted slogans. After all this, we still find people who
promote the idea of bringing our religion and their’s closer, as if the
differences were miniscule and could be eliminated by arranging all those
[interreligous] conferences, whose goal is political.” [4]

While Islam considers both Jews and Christians “People of the Book” – i.e.
non-Muslims with special status under Islamic rule – Sheikh Abd Al-‘Aziz
Qari discussed the differences between the religions in a sermon delivered
at the Qabaa mosque in Al-Madina: “Two groups – the Jews and the
Christians – are the main elements constituting the ‘Camp of Kufur’ and
continue to be its two foundations until Allah allows their downfall and
annihilation at the end of days…”

“When the Prophet Muhammad was sent out, the ‘Camp of Kufur’ declared war
his message. At the center of this war were these groups, particularly the
Jews. These two groups will continue to serve as the grindstones of the
conflict and the war between belief and Kufur until eternity comes. The
conflict will end when Jesus the son of Mary, peace be upon him, arrives to
break the cross and wipes it off the face of the earth, and kills the blind
[false] Messiah, the leader of the Jews and the tyrant whom they await.
Until that day, the conflict between us, the Muslims, and the Jews and
Christians will continue, and it will ebb and flow, one day ours, another
day theirs.”

“The Jews are the objects of Allah’s [promised] wrath, while the Christians
deviate from the path of righteousness. The Koran described the Jews as a
nation cursed by Allah, a nation at which he was angry – some of whom he
turned into apes and pigs.”[5]

International initiatives aimed at promoting interreligious harmony have
been condemned by many Saudi preachers. In a sermon at a Mecca mosque,
Sheikh Adnan Ahmad Siyami said, “[Islam] believes that only Islam and the
‘Camp of Kufur’ exist, and that there is no way to reach Paradise and to be
delivered from Hell except by walking in the path of our Prophet Muhammad
and joining Islam. Any other way leads to Hell. In light of this, my
believing brethren, how can it be claimed that Judaism, Christianity, and
Islam are all paths leading to Allah?!.”

“Several years ago, a sinful call arose, which unfortunately garnered
support from some clerics and preachers of this religion, Islam. [a call]
for the unification of the monotheistic religions. They flaunted an empty
and false slogan of ‘religious harmony,’ Christian-Islamic friendship, and
uniting the three religions into a global religion’.”

“The call for the unification of the religions is a call for the abolition
of religious differences among people: No more Muslim and infidel. All will
come under the unity of human harmony. This accursed call has ramifications
that most certainly will shake Islam in the hearts of its people, leading
them to the lowest of the levels of Hell. This call will lead. to
the infidels’ schools of thought as correct, and to silence regarding them;
to permitting conversion to Judaism and Christianity with no shame
whatsoever; to the abolition of the vast difference between the Muslims and
others – a difference underpinning the conflict between truth and
to the transformation of the religion of Islam into a religion like the
other, false religions, into a religion that has no advantage over the
religions.; to refraining from calling [people] to join Islam, because if
the Muslim wants to do so, he must tell the truth about the infidels. This
will also facilitate the conversion to Christianity in Muslim lands.”

“The Pope’s recent visit to Syria, to the Al-Umawi mosque is, without a
doubt, another manifestation of that call. The call by [the Pope] – may
Allah punish him as he deserves – to the people of the [different]
in Syria to live in peaceful coexistence is nothing more than an audacious
call for the unification of religions, in accordance with the principle of
human religious harmony. This Pope, the head of the Catholic Church, and
those behind him calling for the unification of the religions, are the
descendants of the Spanish inquisitors who tortured the Muslims most
abominably. They are the descendants of those who led the Crusades to the
Islamic East, in which thousands of Muslims were killed and their wives
taken captive in uncountable numbers. They are the perpetrators of the
massacres in Bosnia-Herzegovina. in Kosovo, in Indonesia, and in Chechnya.
Can we expect compassion from these murderous wolves? What made the Pope go
on his visit was his dissatisfaction with the robbing of the Muslims’
he wanted also to rob their religion, so that they lose both this world and
the Hereafter.”

“[This is]. a call to dismantle the pact among Muslims in all the corners
the Islamic world and to replace it with an accursed alternative harmony –
the ‘Harmony of the Jews and Christians.’ This is, in truth, a call to
Muslims to stop accusing Jews, Christians, and other non-Muslims of being

“There can be neither an agreement nor a meeting point between the people
Islam and the Jewish and Christian People of the Book. How can we allow the
Catholic Pope’s talk of a need to find meeting points and agreement between
Islam and Christianity, so that there will be peaceful coexistence between
the two religions and harmony between the two communities? Is it
that there should be agreement and a meeting point with those who fabricate
terrible falsehoods about Allah. claiming that Jesus, peace be upon him, is
his son?!.”[6]

Sheikh Mustafa Bin Sa’id Aytim was also agitated by the Pope’s Syrian
In a sermon at a Mecca mosque, he cited it as proof that “Christian
missionaries are invading the Islamic world.”[7]

Sheikh Aytim also objected to the concept of interreligious harmony,
“It is no surprise that the Jews and Christians deny the Koran. What is
amazing is that some ignoramuses and traitors from among the Muslims say:
‘The Jews and Christians are our brothers…’ It is quite amazing that
anyone claiming he believes in the Koran says that the Jews and Christians
love us and feel no loathing and hatred for us!!… The People of the
hatred of Muslims is certain and absolute. This is a solid belief, which
Allah has proven in the Koran, and there is also historical evidence of it.
And lo, today we see that they lie about security and peace – a security
council here, a peace emissary there; a security plan here, a prayer for
peace there. By Allah, who told you that wild animals can become human? Can
wild animals give birth to anything other than wild animals?”[8]

In a sermon delivered at the Manar Al-Islam mosque in Mecca, Sheikh ‘Ali
Muhammad Al-Baroum said: “The idea of intertwining religions and the claim
that the Jews and the Christians believe in religions of truth. are sinful
claims and deceitful ideas unacceptable to the religion [of Islam]. It is
forbidden to bring together Islam and the infidels, monotheism and
polytheism. Allah’s path of righteousness and Satan’s path of Kufur.”[9]

At Al-Rahmah mosque in Mecca, Sheikh Marzouq Salem Al-Ghamdi spoke against
interreligious harmony: “For some time, we have been hearing calls for
bringing the religions together, and for unification of the religions. This
call is aimed at uniting falsehood with truth, good with abomination. The
Jews and Christians are infidels, enemies of Allah, his Messenger, and the
believers. They deny and curse Allah and his Messenger. How can we draw
to these infidels?. They deny even the messengers sent to them. They do not
believe in Moses, they do not believe in Jesus – because if they really
believed in them, they would join Islam, because every prophet heralded to
his nation the coming of the Prophet Muhammad and the need to believe in
him .”

“Some may say: ‘How can the inventor of electricity be placed in Hell – he
illuminated the world for us.’ Others may say, ‘How can we be hostile to
Jews and Christians when they invented and manufactured even the items we
use in our mosques?’ Yet others may say, ‘The messenger of Allah left his
shield with a Jew and went to visit his sick Jewish neighbor. Why do you
preach to us to do differently?’ The truth is that this is an inversion of
the facts, and deception. The Jew whom the Prophet considered a citizen had
accepted the agreement [that the Prophet Muhammad had concluded with the
Jews of Al-Madina]. and when his people violated that pact, and supported
the polytheists instead of the Muslims, their punishment was death,
captivity, and the expropriation of their assets.”

“If the infidels live among the Muslims, in accordance with the conditions
set out by the Prophet -there is nothing wrong with it provided they pay
Jizya[10] to the Islamic treasury. Other conditions are. that they do not
renovate a church or a monastery, do not rebuild ones that were destroyed,
that they feed for three days any Muslim who passes by their homes. that
they rise when a Muslim wishes to sit, that they do not imitate Muslims in
dress and speech, nor ride horses, nor own swords, nor arm themselves with
any kind of weapon; that they do not sell wine, do not show the cross, do
not ring church bells, do not raise their voices during prayer, that they
shave their hair in front so as to make them easily identifiable, do not
incite anyone against the Muslims, and do not strike a Muslim. If they
violate these conditions, they have no protection.”[11]

While Arab intelligentsia generally object to the concept of the “clash of
civilizations” between the East and the West, preachers in Saudi mosques
stressing that it is precisely this – the struggle between Islamic and
Western civilizations – that is the true and eternal struggle for the
leadership of the human race.

Sheikh Abd Al-Rahman Al-Sudayyis, Imam of the Al-Haraam mosque in Mecca,
told worshipers: “The most noble civilization ever known to mankind is our
Islamic civilization. Today, Western civilization is nothing more than the
product of its encounter with our Islamic civilization in Andalusia
[medieval Spain] and other places. The reason for [Western civilization’s]
bankruptcy is its reliance on the materialistic approach, and its
from religion and values. [This approach] has been one reason for the
of the human race, for the proliferation of suicide, mental problems. and
for moral perversion.”

“Western civilization’s credibility as the one capable of leading the world
to happiness and man to stability – is shaken. Only one nation is capable
resuscitating global civilization, and that is the nation [of Islam]. No
decent man in the world will deny that there has never been a culture more
merciful towards [all] creatures, with more supreme values, and which rules
with greater justice than [Islam]. While the false cultures sink in the
swamp of materialism and suffer moral crises. our Islamic nation is the one
worthy of grasping the reins of leadership and riding on the back of the
horse of pioneering and world sovereignty.”

“When this happens, our nation will not use cultural progress as a tool for
exploiting the peoples, exhausting their resources, and dishonoring them.
will not use [scientific] inventions and discoveries to spread secularism
and support terror… It will not use military equipment and war
technologies as an excuse to threaten the security of countries and
or for barbaric and wild operations, and it will not recruit the media to
mislead public opinion. The Islamic message, whose aim is to save the human
race and to bring about happiness for man who is today lost in the dark
tunnels of injustice and misery. takes this burden upon itself.”[12]

In a sermon at the Al-Nabawi mosque in Al-Madina, Sheikh Sallah Bin
Al-Budeir concured with this line of thought: “What is the use of [Western]
culture, in which the value of man has shrunk to the level of slavery to
anything but Allah? Man becomes a slave to his money and his desires. It is
distressing that some of our people who speak our own language [serve] as
procurers of the West, glorifying and extolling it, and calling for its

“[Only] Islam is worthy of delivering the human race from its misery and
despair. Only Islam is capable of bringing happiness to the human

Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti Sheikh Abd Al-‘Aziz Aal Al-Sheikh addressed the
matter at the Nimra mosque in ‘Arafa: “Those who attack Islam and its
people – what have they given to the human race?! What have they to be
of?! They gave a false, contemptible culture; they gave various kinds of
damage to [human] freedoms and rights on the pretext of preserving these
values; they gave discrimination among people by color, gender, language,
and race; they gave technology to create weapons of mass destruction for
destruction of the human race; they gave forms of deceit and falshood.”[14]

One issue that is frequently discussed when comparing Islamic and Western
civilizations is ‘Western permissiveness.’ Sheikh Sa’d Bin Abdallah
Al-‘Ajameh Al-Ghamdi discussed this subject in a sermon which focused on
homosexuality; the sermon was delievered at the Sa’id Al-Jandoul mosque in
Al-Taif: “This act is not alien and uncommon to the brothers of monkeys and
pigs [i.e. Jews] and the debased among the infidels.”

“It shocked me to read and hear about the audacity of the
of all nations [a reference to the U.N. Secretary-General], who by
affiliation and loyalty is a combination of a Jew and a Christian and leads
the people to Hell. He called to stop the incursion of this disease called
AIDS – although two months earlier he had contradicted this call when, in
stupidity and brazenness, he led the nations calling for permissiveness
causes this disease. He called for permitting adultery and spreading acts
abomination and homosexuality, which is a sexual perversion, and even
invited this kind of people to a conference in order to call for premitting
them marriage of the third kind.”[15]

Part II – ‘Jews – The Descendants of Pigs and Apes’
“The Jews” are the central issue of many sermons delivered in Saudi
When discussing Jews, preachers base their sermons on Koranic history, as
well as on pseudo-historic events which affirm the Koranic view. In
addition, many preachers refer to the Jews as “apes and pigs,” a Koranic
reference. “When will the sleepers awake?” asked Sheikh Bandar bin Khalaf
Al-‘Utaibi, in a sermon at the Abu Bakr Al-Saddiq mosque in Al-Damam. “Is
there any kind of humiliation we have not tasted from the brothers of apes
and pigs?!”[16]

“Oh Muslims, see the state of the nation today, after it deviated from the
path set out by the clerics,” said Sheikh Mustafa Bin Said Aytim in a
given at a mosque in Mecca. “[The nation] has made the offspring of apes
pigs its stars; the hangers-on of the apes and pigs have become the centers
of influence and power. The Jews, Christians, and the hypocrites gnaw away
at the body of the nation and then carry out raids on it with the knights
the destructive media and with the deadly weapon of globalization.”[17]

Although the preachers base their claims about the Jews on the Koran and
traditions (Hadith), many also borrow classic European antisemitic motifs.
Numerous sermons refer to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. In a sermon
at the Al-Jafali mosque in Al-Taif, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Hakmi stated: “We
live in an era in which we are facing a cruel attack planned by the Jews
their hangers-on. Dr. Oscar Levy said, We the Jews are masters of the
and its corrupters; we set off civil strife in it, and we are its

Islamic traditions regarding three Jewish tribes of Al-Madina’s violation
their agreement with the Prophet Muhammad and the Jews’ attempts to kill
him, and their treaty with the Prophet’s enemies, the polytheists, recur in
various forms in many sermons. Sheikh Abd Al-Muhsin Al-Qassem discussed the
matter in a sermon at Al-Nabawi mosque in Al-Madina: “When our Prophet
Muhammad was sent, the Jews incited the people and fought against him.
and again they conspired to betray him and kill him. [The Jewish tribe]
Nadhir tried to drop a large rock on him from the roof of a house under
which he sat, but he was warned by the heavens. They gave him poisoned
mutton; he was saved [from death] but suffered from injury until he died.”

“They killed some of the prophets. sometimes by slaughtering them and
sometimes by sawing them in two. They spilled the blood of [the prophet]
Yahya, sawed Zacharia in two, planned to kill Jesus, and tried several
to kill Muhammad. The Jews are ingrates, whoever treats them well they
and whoever treats them with honor they rebel against. Allah saved them
drowning with Moses [at the Red Sea]; they did not thank Allah, but
arrogantly and haughtily asked Moses to make another god for them instead
Allah, so they could worship it as they wished.”

“They annihilated people and nations with usury. They consume the Muslims’
resources by destroying their economy, and introduce prohibited things into
trade. They harm Muslims so as to bankrupt them. They seek to cause them
poverty. . In their own eyes, they are Allah’s chosen people, and they see
others as slaves created to meet their needs.”

“Their tongues never cease lying, [disseminating] abomination and
About Allah they said: ‘His hands are tied. He is poor and we are wealthy.’
They brought great disasters upon Jesus and his mother, and of the Prophet
Muhammad they said: ‘He is a trickster and a liar.’ Curses were laid upon
them, one after another, and punishments too. The Jews preached
permissiveness and corruption, as they hid behind false slogans like
and equality, humanism and brotherhood. They kill Muslim youth, entice the
[Muslim] woman with shameful deeds, and act to lure others through her.
defile the minds of adolescents by arousing their urges. they are envious
the Muslim woman who conceals herself and protects her honor; for this
reason, they preach to her to expose herself and throw off her values.
goal is to destroy the Muslim family, to shatter religious and social ties
and foundations. They are cowards in battle. they flee from death and fear
fighting. They love life.”[19]

Sheikh Muhammad Al-Saleh Al-‘Athimein related the story of the three Jewish
tribes in a sermon at the Great Mosque in Al-‘Unayza: “The perverse nature
and base temperament of the Jews caused them to violate [the treaty with
Prophet Muhammad] and betray [him]. [The Jewish tribe] Banu Qaynuqa’ showed
treachery after Allah caused the victory of His Prophet in the battle of
Badr [624 AD], so the Prophet exiled them from Al-Madina.”

“The Banu Nadhir [tribe] showed treachery after the battle of Uhud [625 AD]
and the Prophet besieged them, and Allah cast fear into their hearts, until
they asked the Prophet to exile them and allow them to take what property
they could carry on their beasts, except for weapons.”

“The [Jewish tribe of Banu] Qurayza violated the agreement in the Battle of
Al-Ahzab [626 AD], and the Prophet besieged them. They were brought to
before Sa’d Ibn Mu’adh [head of the Aus tribe, an ally of the Jews] who
ruled that the men among them would be executed, their property divided,
their women and children taken into captivity. Accordingly, 600 to 700 of
the men among them were executed.”

“Oh Muslims, the Jews are treacherous and deceitful people over whom lies
the curse and anger of Allah. They permitted what Allah forbade, with the
lamest of excuses; therefore, He cursed them and turned them into apes and
pigs. Allah sentenced them to humiliation anywhere they might be.”[20]

Saudi preachers often speak of “the Jews’ traits,” passed down from
generation to generation. They claim that the Jews of today are the same
Jews “who murdered the prophets” and “violated agreements with the Prophet
Muhammad.” The Koran’s statements on “the Jews,” they claim, are valid for
all times and all places: “The current behavior of the brothers of apes and
pigs, their treachery, their violation of agreements, and their defilement
of places of worship. are connected to their forefathers’ deeds in the
time of Islam. This proves the great similarity between every Jew living
today and the Jew living during the dawn of Islam,” stated Sheikh Sa’d bin
Abdallah Al-‘Ajameh Al-Ghamdi in a sermon at the Sa’id Al-Jandoul mosque in

Sheikh Abd Al-Hamid Al-Daghastani explained at the Bin Hassan mosque in
Mecca that “to disseminate moral or ideological corruption … the Jews
these traits down from father to son.”[22] As the Imam of the Al-Harram
mosque in Mecca, Sheikh Abd Al-Rahman Al-Sudais explained in one of his
sermons: “Brothers in faith, what do our Koran and our Sunna say? What does
our belief say? What does our history prove.? They show clearly that the
conflict between us and the Jews is one of belief, identity, and

“Read history and you will understand that the Jews of yesterday are the
evil forefathers of the even more evil Jews of today: infidels, falsifiers
of words, calf worshippers, prophet murderers, deniers of prophecies. the
scum of the human race, accursed by Allah, who turned them into apes and
pigs. These are the Jews – an ongoing continuum of deceit, obstinacy,
licentiousness, evil, and corruption.”

“Oh nation of Islam, today our nation is at the height of conflict with the
enemies of yesterday, today, and tomorrow – the offspring of [the three
Jewish tribes of Al-Madina] Banu Qurayza, Banu Nadhir, and Banu Qaynuqa,
upon whom Allah’s curse rests until Judgment Day. Do the sons of our people
realize the truth about the nation of wrath and deceit.? The insult to and
contempt of Arabs, Muslims, and their holy places reaches its height at the
hands of the rats of the world, the violators of agreements, in whose minds
abide treachery, destruction, and deceit and in whose veins flow occupation
and tyranny. They are indeed worthy of the curse of Allah, of the angels,
and of all people.” [23]

In a sermon delivered at the Al-Nour mosque in Al-Khobar, Sheikh Nasser
Muhammad Al-Ahmad said: “In the Jews, an astonishing quantity of moral
abomination and corrupt behavior has accumulated. These cannot exist in any
other nation. What is amazing is that this corruption in all things
concerning morality, and this impudent behavior, are not limited to a
specific generation of Jews, or to a specific group of Jews, but are
manifest in the distorted Jew everywhere. Every Jew, except for the
and the believers among the [ancient] Children of Israel, is a human model
of the same moral traits, from which the contemptible Jew who lived in the
time of Pharoah or the liberated Jew who lives today on the land of
Palestine, is not spared.”

“Moral corruption is a general trait of the Jews, all the Jews. [These are]
stable hereditary genes [found] in the Jew in every time and in every
If you want to know the Jew through and through, imagine a group of
moral traits.”

“The Jews are liars .in their religious life, in their ritual, in the way
they see Allah. The Jews lie to their enemies and friends alike. What is
strange is that they have turned the lie into a religion, a faith, and a
ritual through which they draw closer to their god. If we say that they
speak the truth this time [regarding the peace process], it would mean that
we are denying the Koranic text – a very serious matter.”

“Similarly, the Jews are treacherous. If they smile, their smile is
perverted. The Jews are miserly, and enslaved by money. The Jews
corruption in the land; this is one of their salient moral traits, even in
the time of their prophet Moses. Most of the world’s wars, particularly the
great modern wars, were planned and started by the Jews so as to
corruption in the land, and to achieve their goals on the ruins of the
race. I will conclude the matter of these moral traits with something else
connected to the Jews: The Jews are an accursed nation. This is part of our
belief. We believe that the Jews are accursed.”[24]

“The desire to corrupt the people is present also in the Jews of our time,”
explained Sheikh Mushabbab Fahd Al-Qahtani in a sermon at ‘Ubad Al-Rahman
mosque in Al-Zahran: “See the great interest-charging banks, the cinemas,
the alcohol factories, the drugs, the tobacco companies, the fashion
the sex networks, the secret organizations – the Jews are behind them.”[25]

In a sermon at the Qaaba mosque in Al-Madina, Sheikh Abd Al-‘Aziz Qari
addressed the matter: “In ancient times, the Jews, the enemies of Allah,
killed the prophets unjustly. Afterwards they became the enemies of all
humanity and they [termed] non-Jews ‘gentiles,’ and used all means to
destroy them by starting wars among these gentiles, destroying their
beliefs, and corrupting their moral values.”

“See for example, how they show the woman on television and on the front
pages of the newspapers. They show her without modesty or shame, made up
exposing her curves, with the aim of destroying and corrupting the nation’s
general moral values. They exploited the woman in the most abominable way.
And this is a known Jewish conspiracy. “[26]

Part III – ‘It is Impossible to Make Peace With the Jews’
Saudi preachers urging Jihad are opposed, obviously, to the peace process.
Sheikh Nasser Muhammad Al-Ahmad said in a sermon at Al-Nour mosque in
Al-Khobar: “There is no doubt that the [Muslim] nation is today reaping the
fruit of agony because of its renunciation of its honor on the day it
[peace] at the negotiating tables, chasing after a false peace that could
never be. Because, in all honesty, these are people with whom no agreement
or pact can be made.”

“[Muslims] should have never been led under any pressure of any kind
the so-called peace process, which is in effect a process of surrender. The
Muslims should have acted. as their forefathers did when they faced the
Crusader’s occupation of Palestine for over 90 years, and nevertheless did
not surrender.” “The events proved that no one has the authority to make
Palestinian decisions except for the Palestinian masses, and that these
crimes [against the Palestinians and the Muslims] will be stopped only by
Jihad. The sites holy to Muslims will be regained only by Jihad for the
of Allah. When true Islamic Jihad is declared, the balance of power will
shift. What frightens the West more than anything else is the word Jihad,
because they understand what it means.”

“Humiliation and misery will be the lot of the ones who anger Allah, who
cursed them and turned them into apes and pigs. There is no solution to
problem, and to any problem to which the infidel enemy is party, except by
waving the banner of Jihad.”[27]

Sheikh ‘Adel Bin Ahmad Bana’ma said in a sermon at the Muhammad Al-Fatih
mosque in Jiddah: “For the thousandth time, the [Islamic] nation is losing
its memory and sits with its enemy to discuss peace, agreements, and
treaties. The Jews themselves do not forget their hatreds. Today, they
disseminate everywhere the lie of the Holocaust and claim that Hitler
six million Jews in gas chambers. Although this is pure falsehood, they
made it part of their history of trials and tribulations, disseminated it
with their mighty propaganda machine, and extorted the countries of the
world with it. They obtained huge reparations from Germany with it, and
still accuse everyone who denies it of antisemitism, and incite the world
against him. [The French Holocaust denier] Garaudy’s story happened not

“.How many times have the Jews bitten the hand stretched out to them for
peace? How many times have the Jews violated the agreements they have
signed? Didn’t they betray the Prophet.? Didn’t they betray the Ottoman
state and cause its downfall.? Haven’t they violated all the modern
agreements, from Oslo through Sharm Al-Sheikh? Isn’t this enough for those
misled by illusions of peace to awaken?”[28]

According to the Saudi preachers, the only way of solving the problems of
the Islamic nation is by espousing the “missing precept” – Jihad. “Who
have believed it?!” cried Sheikh Sultan Al-‘Uweid in a sermon at the Prince
Tareq mosque in Al-Damam, “a handful of brothers of apes and pigs torments
billion [Muslims]. There is no other way, oh Muslims, but restoring the
missing precept – Jihad for the sake of Allah. There is no other way but
educating to Jihad.”[29]

Sheikh Muhammad Saleh Al-Munajjid also discussed the matter in his sermon
a mosque in Al-Damam, saying: “The issue is historic, religious, and
ideological. It is impossible ever to make peace with the Jews; we must not
[enter into] a pact with them, we must not [sign] a treaty with them –
despite those [among us] who maintain otherwise, who are Jews just like the
Jews. There is no hiding from the evil of the Jews; there is no concealment
from their deception. The Jews are defiled creatures and satanic scum. The
Jews are the helpers of Satan. The Jews are the cause of the misery of the
human race, together with the infidels and the other polytheists. Satan
leads them to Hell and to a miserable fate. The Jews are our enemies and
hatred of them is in our hearts. Jihad against them is our worship. “[30]

Part IV – ‘Muslims Must Educate Their Children to Jihad. and to Hatred of
Jews and Christians’
Sheikh Muhammad Saleh Al-Munajjid also discussed education to Jihad,
stating: “Muslims must. educate their children to Jihad. This is the
greatest benefit of the situation: educating the children to Jihad and to
hatred of the Jews, o
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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