MBL Seminars-or how to push Shariah Laws into your legal and banking system
This is a seminar that is trying to push Shariah Law in the UK. Please check it out, and learn what they are trying to sell to the west.
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With an MBL Season Ticket you may attend an unlimited number of seminars at a discounted rate of up to 50%. There are five options available:
1. LAW CENTRE/SOLO/SMALL Firm Season Ticket: Free of Charge – click here to register
If your firm has fewer than 10 members who are required to undertake CPD you can register for a Law Centre/Solo/Small Firm Season Ticket Free of Charge!. This option covers all firm/law centre members (including support staff) based at all branch offices (but not associated firms). It is valid up to, and including, the 1st January 2009 and as long as your firm/law centre stays within the threshold of 10 or fewer members who are required to undertake CPD. NB: there is no limit on the number of seminars your firm/law centre can attend at the discounted rate of up to 50%.
2. TRAINEE Season Ticket: Free of Charge – click here to register
Trainee Solicitors/Accountants/Legal Executives/Licensed Conveyancers and Pupil Barristers are entitled to register for our Trainee Season Ticket free of charge. This option applies to one named individual until date of qualification (please tell us your anticipated qualification date, month and year when registering). It is not transferable to anyone else. NB: there is no limit on the number of seminars the individual can attend at the discounted rate of up to 50%.
3. BARRISTER Season Ticket: Free of Charge – click here to register
Barristers are entitled to register for our Barrister Season Ticket free of charge. This option applies to one named individual and is valid up to, and including, the 1st January 2009. It is not transferable to anyone else. NB: there is no limit on the number of seminars the individual can attend at the discounted rate of up to 50%.
4. INDIVIDUAL Season Ticket: Fee £190 plus VAT – click here to register
If you are not a trainee, nor a barrister, and don’t work at a ‘small firm’ you can apply for an Individual Season Ticket. This option applies to any one named individual and is valid for all seminars within a 12 month period from the date of the first seminar booked. It is not transferable to anyone else. NB: there is no limit on the number of seminars the individual can attend at the discounted rate of up to 50%.
5. FIRM Season Ticket: Fee £420 plus VAT – click here to register
For medium sized and large firms. This option applies to all firm members (including support staff) based at all branches (but not associated firms), in the UK and Worldwide and is valid for all seminars within a 12 month period from the date of the first seminar booked. NB: there is no limit on the number of seminars your firm can attend at the discounted rate of up to 50%.
Simply let us know which Season Ticket type you would like by emailing your firm name and post code to [email protected]
Terms & Conditions of Booking
Payment: Payment of the course fee is due 30 days from the date of the invoice and before the course date in any event. We reserve the right to claim interest pursuant to the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 on overdue fees. Cancellations & Refunds: All cancellations must be in writing. For bookings cancelled at least 22 days (by 5.00pm) prior to the course date we will refund the course fee. For bookings cancelled between 21 and 8 days (by 5.00pm) prior to the course date the course fee remains payable and is non-refundable. Delegates may attend another course of equivalent value free of charge. Where the course is of lesser value, the balance will either be held in credit against your account or set off against outstanding fees at our discretion. For bookings cancelled 7 days or less (by 5.00pm) inclusive of the course date the course fee remains payable and is non-refundable. Delegates may attend another course for an administration fee of £50.00 plus VAT. We reserve the right to alter the course content, speaker or venue where necessary. Should we have to cancel a course we do not accept responsibility for travel, accommodation or other costs which may have been incurred by any delegate. Course Materials: Course materials are prepared solely for the benefit of delegates and are not a substitute for legal advice. Neither the author nor MBL accept responsibility for loss howsoever occasioned to any person or persons arising from reliance on such materials. Substitutions: Delegates may be substituted at any time at no additional cost. MBL Season Ticket: An MBL Firm Season Ticket entitles all firm members up to 50% discount on all courses and is valid for courses within a 12 month period from the date of the first course booked. An MBL Individual/Trainee/Barrister Season Ticket is not transferable. Trainee Season Tickets are valid until the date of qualification. Individual Season Tickets are valid for all courses attended within a 12 month period from the date of the first course booked. The cost of an MBL Season Ticket is payable within 30 days from the date of the invoice and is not refundable. All MBL Season Tickets will be renewed automatically upon expiry or where a booking is made beyond the current Season Ticket expiry date. If you do not wish to renew you must inform us within 7 days of the date of the renewal invoice and bookings made within this period will be re-processed at full price.
© MBL Seminars (Limited) 2007
All MBL seminars are accredited for CPD purposes by The Solicitors Regulation Authority, The Institute of Paralegals and The Institute of Legal Executives. MBL Property seminars, Wills and Probate seminars and Pensions seminars are accredited by The Council for Licensed Conveyancers, The Institute of Professional Willwriters and The Pensions Management Institute respectively
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