Iran sentences a 22 year old man to death for drinking alcohol!! Shariah laws at work!
Sentenced to death for drinking alcohol
Wednesday, 06 February 2008 Secretariat National Council of Resistance of Iran
hat tip-Margo I.
NCRI In an unprecedented move, the mullahs’ inhuman regime sentenced a 22-year-old man, identified only as Mohsen, to death for drinking. “He has done it for the fourth time, a person who is caught drinking for a third time and confesses will face capital punishment,” said Jalile Jalili the case judge. Death penalty for “drinking hard liquor” is a new step in savagery and shows the Iranian regime’s fear of increasing popular protests especially those of the youths. The Iranian Resistance calls on the international community to end its silence over medieval punishments and growing number of executions in Iran. It also calls for an end to barbaric and systematic violations of human rights by the ruling religious fascism in Iran.