Danes extend the detention of two Tunisians suspected of plotting to kill a Danish cartoonist! BRAVO!
This is finally some good news. It shows that someone is willing to be politically “correct” and ship out those who threaten democractic values and call for death.
Cartoon death plotters to be deported
March 13, 2008 02:52am
Article from: Agence France-Presse
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A COPENHAGEN court has extended the detention of two Tunisians – suspected
of plotting to kill a Danish cartoonist who satirised the Prophet Mohammed –
until they are deported.
Like previous rulings in the case, the lower court judge’s decision was in
line with recommendations from Danish police intelligence agency PET, which
deems the pair a threat to national security.
The men, whose identities were not disclosed but who are aged 25 and 36,
were arrested in a PET raid on February 12 along with a Dane of Moroccan
origin who was later released.
According to PET, the three were planning to murder Kurt Westergaard, 73,
one of 12 cartoonists who drew caricatures of the prophet for a Danish
newspaper, sparking angry protests across the Muslim world in early 2006.
Mr Westergaard’ s cartoon, which was considered the most controversial,
featuring the prophet’s head with a turban that looked like a bomb with a
lit fuse, was republished in at least 17 Danish dailies after police foiled
the murder plot last month.
On PET’s recommendation, the Danish justice ministry has ordered the two
Tunisians expelled without trial, which is permitted under Danish
anti-terror laws introduced in 2002.
The two have been legal residents in Denmark for more than seven years, and
have claimed their innocence.
They have been held since their arrest without being informed of the charges
against them and without the possibility to appear before a judge.
Frank Wenzel, the 36-year-old’ s lawyer, told AFP he had requested that this
case of “deprivation of freedom without due process” be brought before the
country’s Supreme Court.
“An expulsion without trial is a violation of the (European) human rights
convention, and the same goes for the police decision to keep the motivation
for the expulsion secret,” he said.
Mr Wenzel also said he planned to “file an asylum request” in Denmark for
his client, who he said “risks being submitted to torture if he is expelled
to Tunisia“.
He referred to a recent ruling by the European Court of Human Rights that
Tunisian citizens could not under current conditions be sent safely back to
the North African country.
Mr Wenzel said the other Tunisian’s lawyer had filed “the same requests”.