Nonie Darwish on Muslim Women-A Must Read!
Nonie Darwish on Muslim women

Nonie Darwish is the author of one of the books we recommend, Now They Call Me Infidel. Here is a recent article she wrote, Women: A World Apart, on Policy Express, the website of the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute.
Most of it is about Sharia law and how it affects women in Muslim countries. But she begins and ends with young American Muslim women. Here’s the beginning:
Recently I spoke at Wellesley College and a large number of female members of the Muslim Student Association attended. As I described the plight of seven Iranian women awaiting death by stoning for sexual violations, I saw no compassion towards their sisters in Islam. I saw only rigid faces and hardened, unsympathetic hearts. Some even made faces at me as I spoke. These young educated Muslim women live in America under the protection of the U.S. Constitution, far removed from the harsh realities of Sharia law I experienced.
And toward the end: (…)
The complete article can be read at Policy Express (3 page PDF file).