Deutsche Börse: Five New iShares ETFs Launched

On Xetra – Product Range Expanded To Include

Sharia-Compliant ETFs



Deutsche Börse is further expanding its XTF segment for exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on the pan-European Xetra trading platform and is listing five additional ETFs issued by Barclays Global Investors.

The following three iShares ETFs enable investment for the first time in companies selected according to their compliance with Islamic law: iShares MSCI World Islamic (ISIN DE000A0NA0L5), iShares MSCI USA Islamic (ISIN DE000A0NA0N1) and iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Islamic (ISIN DE000A0NA0M3). Sharia-compliant investments exclude the gambling, alcoholic beverages, pornography, cigarettes, weapons and pork sectors. Investments which generate earnings through interest income are not allowed either, which rules out the majority of financial service providers.

The iShares S&P Global Timber & Forestry (ISIN DE000A0NA0H3) enables investment in the 25 leading stocks from the timber industry, including listed forestry and paper conversion companies. Finally, the iShares MSCI Latin America (ISIN DE000A0NA0K7) tracks the performance of the Index MSCI Latin America, which represents 85 percent of Latin America’s market capitalization.

The ETF product offering on Xetra currently comprises a total of 312 exchange-traded index funds, making it the largest offering of all European stock exchanges. This selection, together with an average monthly trading volume of over €9 billion, makes Deutsche Börse’s XTF segment Europe’s leading trading venue for ETFs.


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