The Dhimmi UN Secretary General speaks about “Fitna”-While democracy is being attacked, he gives in to terror!
Dhimmi General Ban Ki Moon speaks about
<http://infidelsarec 03/28/dhimmi- general-ban- ki-moon-speaks- abo
ut-fitna-the- movie/> “Fitna” the movie
(Hat tip-Osint and
March 28th 2008
Ban Ki Moon, UN secretary general, had something to
<http://www.un. org/News/ Press/docs/ 2008/sgsm11483. doc.htm> say today about
the film that Geert Wilders just put out.
I condemn, in the strongest terms, the airing of Geert Wilders’ offensively
anti-Islamic film. There is no justification for hate speech or incitement
to violence. The right of free expression is not at stake here. I
acknowledge the efforts of the Government of the Netherlands to stop the
broadcast of this film, and appeal for calm to those understandably offended
by it. Freedom must always be accompanied by social responsibility.
Ok, let’s break this down:
There is no justification for hate speech or incitement to violence
Now, is he talking about the Islamist calling for Jews heads to be chopped
off and kill the infidel wherever you see them? Or maybe the Imam who says
Allah is happy when non-muslims are killed? Or maybe the text straight from
the Koran that proves the sanction for murdering non-muslims? So WHO DOES HE
Wilders never said these things. He simply put this crap into a
compilation. Again, who is the UN General speaking of?
Then he this:
The right of free expression is not at stake here.
Is this moron for real? He’s completely justifying the death fatwa out on
Wilders life right now. He’s justifying the radicals threatening LiveLeak
with violence if they didn’t censor the video. Cmon, Who put this guy in
charge? How can Ban Ki Moon suggest that there remains a right to freely
express ideas when the Geert Wilders is not free to express his ideas?
Then he completely contradicts himself:
I acknowledge the efforts of the Government of the Netherlands to stop the
broadcast of this film, and appeal for calm to those understandably offended
by it.
So if free expression is not at stake, then why would you be condoning
censorship against someone who has the right to express their opinions? And
then, to top it off, he acts like a good Dhimmi and appeals for calm amongst
those who have been justifiably offended and I’m sure if violence were
carried out in retaliation, he’d blame wilders for causing it.
He ends with:
Freedom must always be accompanied by social responsibility.
Freedom that’s restricted whenever it’s judged by people in power to be
socially irresponsible is not freedom at all. There is no freedom when one
must bow to the social sensitivities of those in power, or to those who
simply threaten violence if freedom is expressed.
This is actually a good thing for Europe because more and more people are
now starting to see the true threat in which freedom lovers face. Ban Ki
Moon and the UN are totally illegitimate and it’s pathetic that we still
allow that lame organization on our shores. Freedom loving people all
around the world, (left or right) need to stand up to those who would censor
us every time we are critical of ones religion or social status.
Shame on Ban Ki Moon for cowering to evil, throwing freedom under the bus,
and catering to his fraternity of Islamic dictators at the UN.