Important Notice ! Another Blasphemous Cartoon Film to be released on 20th

_____Eshan Jami-Filmaker

From: junaid iftikhar [mailto:email4junaid@ yahoo.com](emails and groups of the pro Jihadi Movements)
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 9:51 AM
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Subject: ! Important Notice ! Another Blasphemous Cartoon Film to be
released on 20th April

Dear Brother , Sisters


After Fitna Movie the non belivers now want to released another Blasphemous
cartoon film named ” Koran ” on 20th April 2008 in Holland By a apostate
Ehsan Jami . Please forward this message to others as u can and call on
muslims to take strict action against the film maker.and call on United
Nation to Ban the Released of Blasphemous Movie


Junaid Iftikhar


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