Jihadi’s calling for a Fatwa on Iranian Filmaker, and they want to call on the United Nations to Help them! The scary thing is, that the UN might comply!
Important Notice ! Another Blasphemous Cartoon Film to be released on 20th
_____Eshan Jami-Filmaker
From: junaid iftikhar [mailto:email4junaid@ yahoo.com](emails and groups of the pro Jihadi Movements)
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 9:51 AM
To: a_gazdar@yahoo. com; abdul_rahmanbaloch@ hotmail.com;
abdul.fattah@ amzsec.com; abdulrasheed75@ yahoo.com; abubakrsaud@ gmail.com;
abufalahi@hotmail. com; abuintizam@hotmail. com; abukhola100@ hotmail.com;
ahameed234@hotmail. com; ahmad_nawaz12@ yahoo.com; alaqsa237@yahoo. com;
amir_e_shariat@ hotmail.com; ansari.riaz@ yahoo.com;
arab_nationalist@ yahoogroups. com; ashmughal3@yahoo. com;
asmaqazmi@hotmail. com; atiq@bemco-ipp. com; beowulf@thedurendal .com;
DakBangla@yahoogrou ps.com; defenderofislam2007 @gmail.com;
desikuri@hotmail. com; dr_arfanibraheem@ hotmail.com; Rasheed Mughal;
email4rao@yahoo. com; email4wahab@ yahoo.com; email4zubair@ yahoo.com;
emailforhamza@ yahoo.com; engrzafar2002@ yahoo.com;
enthusiast.forever@ yahoo.com; erumnazrajput@ yahoo.com;
faisaldasai@ hotmail.com; faizallatif@ ntlworld. com; fareedchm@gmail. com;
farooq.w@gmail. com; farooqso@yahoo. com; FatawaIslamiyah@ yahoogroups. com;
fro_hpl@hotmail. com; funlok@yahoogroups. com; gami143@hotmail. com;
gift_786@hotmail. com; greatestpakistan@ yahoogroups. com;
gulzarshah666@ hotmail.com
Subject: ! Important Notice ! Another Blasphemous Cartoon Film to be
released on 20th April
Dear Brother , Sisters
After Fitna Movie the non belivers now want to released another Blasphemous
cartoon film named ” Koran ” on 20th April 2008 in Holland By a apostate
Ehsan Jami . Please forward this message to others as u can and call on
muslims to take strict action against the film maker.and call on United
Nation to Ban the Released of Blasphemous Movie
Junaid Iftikhar