LA Times cites relationship between Mormon Church and the US Muslim Brotherhood Org.
<http://globalmbrepo 758> L.A Times Reports On Ties Between U.S.
Muslim Brotherhood And Mormon Church
The L.A. Times has reported on relationships between U.S. Muslim Brotherhood
organizations and the Mormon Church. The article states that the
relationship between the two is particularly visible in Southern California
and identifies two notable examples. First, according to the
<http://www.latimes. com/news/ local/la- me-morlims2apr02 ,1,2488142. story>
The Mormon Church has become the biggest contributor to Buena Park-based
Islamic Relief, touted by its administrators as the West’s largest
Muslim-based charity. Relief officials say the church has donated $20
million in goods and services since the 2004 tsunami, equal to about 20% of
the charity’s annual budget.Following the tsunami that devastated many
Islamic communities, the Mormon church, which has a history of contributing
to a wide range of charities, began working closely with Islamic Relief.
Though LDS had helped Muslims before – providing 195 tons of powdered milk,
hygiene kits, medical supplies and other provisions – it had never
previously worked with this major Islamic agency, or on such a scale.
Islamic Relief in Buena Park is the U.S. <http://www.irw. org/aboutus>
office of Islamic Relief Worldwide, a charity whose headquarters and
numerous branches shows links to the Muslim Brotherhood. German Muslim
Brotherhood leader Ibrahim El-Zayat, for example, is a
< commission. dcharities/ showtrustees. asp?C
hy=328158&Reg= 328158&Type= Main+Charity& Name=ISLAMIC+ RELIEF+WORLDWIDE &SubID=>
trustee of Islamic Relief Worldwide.
The Times article also identifies a joint project between the Mormon Church
and the Islamic Society of Orange County (ISOC):
Locally, LDS helped the Islamic Society of Orange County’s Al-Rahman Mosque
in Garden Grove develop its library with a $15,000 donation. “Their beliefs
are similar to ours,” Robert Bremmer, a Mormon bishop, said at that
facility’s open-mosque day in 2005. “They have modest dress, and s o do we.
They believe in all the [Old Testament] prophets, as do we.” During
Al-Rahman’s most recent open house in August, attended by many Mormon elders
and dignitaries, a tribute was paid to a deceased LDS official supportive of
the mosque.
The ISOC has been headed since 1981 by
<http://www.islamonl Satellite? cid=111950361480 5&pagename= Isl
amOnline-English- Ask_Scholar% 2FFatwaCounselor E%2FFatwaCounsel orE> Muzzamil
H. Siddiqi a long time leader in many U.S. Muslim Brotherhood organizations
including the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the Fiqh Council
of North America. Dr. Siddiqi was also formerly employed by the Saudi Muslim
World League, another import component of the global Muslim Brotherhood