America: For Sale to The Highest Bidder–Islam
April 12, 2008 Northeast Intelligence Network By Randy Taylor
It’s all around us yet we fail to see it. Those of us that do see it don’t really know what to do about it. I know hundreds of people that see it for what it is, know the evil behind it yet don’t know how to go about fighting this demonic plague thrust upon us.
We shout out in small voices to an unknown audience, we write articles and editorials about it, we get supportive email from our readers and listeners yet at the end of the day, we are exactly where we started. We are the lone voices in the wilderness. We are the Paul Revere’s of the 21st century yet we have no organized army to warn. We are the point men in this frontal battle in the upcoming war yet when we look or fall back to warn our squad, they are scattered or cowering in fear from the enemy before us.

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