Iran Issues “short term marriages” for Prostitution Purposes
hat tip-Margo I.
Iran: Edict authorises online short-term marriages
The edict says that couples must clearly establish how long the marriage will last. They must also guarantee there are no legal impediments to the marriage, and agree on the amount of money the man must pay the woman when it ends.
No comment has so far been issued by religious authorities in the holiest Shia city of Qom.
Shia Islam allows a man and woman to marry for a fixed period of time, ranging from an hour to a century.
A man can also have any number of temporary marriages – or sigheh, as they are known.
Iran first started promoting temporary marriage as an alternative to co-habiting 15 years ago.
Then president, Hashemi Rafsanjani, said it was a way for men and women to satisfy their sexual needs.
However, Iranian society still looks down on temporary marriage as a cover for prostitution and there is still a strong taboo against the practice. (Yeah, right, like I believe them! Remember, women turn men into Beasts!LOL)