Note to readers of Shariahfinancewatch. A few people have expressed concerns about why I not only post information about Shariah Finance, but issues such as the one above. This is because, Shariah Finance includes the harrassement of gays, hangings, stonings, beheadings, and spousal abuse. It includes the marriage of children to old men, cutting off limbs, and many issues that are not transparent while doing business with Banks and Funds that adhere to Shariah Law. I do not assume that the entire public is aware of the evil of Shariah, and why the incidious nature of banking and adhering to the principals of this type of law are a threat to democracy and western civilization. I am not only providing a resource to show the influence of petrodollars to the large hedge funds, stock exchanges, banks, insurance companies, and corporations, but showing the long term effects that this will have on our lives as we know it now. This is a blog that focuses on the growth of Dubai, and the UAE, and how they are buying our country up at a rate faster than the rise of the price of oil. This blog is trying to reach out, not only to the people who are in the world of finance, but to the people who discover this blog by accident, who are searching for information on the Liverpool Football Club in England, who has been in negotiotions with the Kingdom of Dubai to purchase it from it’s American co-owners. I am trying to reach the person who types into Google, “Women’s rights under Islam” and show them how these rights are at the mercy of the dollars made by oil and Islamic Shariah Laws.  I am trying to reach the person who types in “Gay Rights” and finds out that Gays have no rights in Arab countries, and while many gay rights groups support the destruction of Israel, and are anti American, hopefully they learn that only in Israel do Gays have rights, and that they are hung and killed in the Arab countries routinely. This blog is attempting to show the connections to the financial world, to our future world which is allowing Shariah Scholors to dictate what can be bought, sold, divested, boycotted and killed, as well as sitting on the boards of the companies they advise. HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Citibank, and others have all sold interest in their firms to Dubai, and have Shariah banking as part of their services. But have they ever disclosed what Shariah is? Or do they just define it as “ethical investments”? Question what the ethics are.

So, to sum it up, I will continue to post not only issues of finance and Shariah investments, but the implications of what Shariah Laws are. This will hopefully give you some interest into where your Mutual Funds are investing, where your money is going, and to alert you to the dangers of these ways to go after the quick buck, while selling out to Islamic laws.

Allyson Rowen Taylor-blogger for Shariah Finance WatchTwo gay men being hung in Iran for the crime of being gay.



Istanbul APril 16, 2008

 A police raid on a Turkish human rights organization is the latest incident in an escalating pattern of harassment of gay rights groups, Human Rights Watch said today. In a letter to Turkish Minister of Interior Beºir Atalay, Human Rights Watch called on the government to cease official harassment of groups working on sexual orientation and gender identity issues, and to ensure training of all criminal-justice officials in human rights principles.

On April 7, 2008, approximately 12 police in plainclothes entered the headquarters of the Lambda Istanbul Cultural Center, which defends the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. Their warrant cited suspicion that Lambda “facilitates prostitution, acts as a go-between provides a place for ,” criminalized under Article 227 of Turkey’s Penal Code. The raid took place 10 days before an April 17 court hearing in a case against Lambda Istanbul brought by the Istanbul Governor’s Office, accusing the group of violating Turkish “moral values and its family structure.”

“What’s really immoral is the Istanbul authorities’ campaign against Lambda Istanbul for protecting the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people,” said Scott Long, director of the LGBT Rights Program at Human Rights Watch. “The government should reform laws that allow officials to harass groups like Lambda Istanbul in order to guarantee everyone’s human rights.”

After a two-hour search the officers took a list of Lambda Istanbul’s members, along with records of its decisions and other documents. The organization’s property has still not been returned. Lambda Istanbul’s attorney told Human Rights Watch that prosecutors informed him the group had been under surveillance since March 2008.

Lambda Istanbul has suffered harassment by the Turkish authorities since 2007, when the Istanbul Governor’s Office demanded its closure, arguing the name and objectives of the group were offensive to Turkish “moral values and its family structure.” The Prosecutor’s Office rejected the complaint in July 2007, but the governor’s office pursued the case to a higher court. After four hearings, the case is still pending.

Under human rights law, including the European Convention on Human Rights, which applies in Turkey, the Turkish authorities must guarantee freedom of association to all, without discrimination.

Human Rights Watch Press release



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