Oil hits $132 as US stocks show unexpected decline
By Agence France Presse (AFP)
The price of oil rocketed to a record high of $132.08 a barrel on Wednesday as official data revealed unexpected declines in US energy inventories amid increasing Chinese demand, analysts said. New York light sweet crude struck the all-time pinnacle just a few hours after breaking through $130 for the first time.

Conference aims to lure $2 billion in investment to Palestine
By Agence France Presse (AFP)
Hundreds of business and political leaders converged on the city of Bethlehem on Wednesday for a conference aimed at boosting the occupied West Bank’s stagnant economy through private investment. The first ever Palestine Investment Conference aims at spurring investor interest by showcasing business opportunities and projects

. Bahraini Islamist wants Bangladeshis expelled
By Agence France Presse (AFP)
A Bahraini Islamist lawmaker on Sunday called for the expulsion of Bangladeshi workers from the country after one of them was accused of a gruesome killing. The government must “put a timetable for the deportation of Bangladeshi laborers from Bahrain after their repeated involvement in murders and other crimes.”

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