Jihad – A multi-headed monster devouring Britain


The Hydra of Islam

Islam divides the world into two implacably warring blocks – Dar al-Islam versus Dar al-Harb (the domain of war – those lands which are controlled by unbelievers) . Muslims are instructed by the Koran to establish supremacy over kuffars (unbelievers) by any means necessary. Islam is a classic meme or mind-virus whose primary objective is to propagate itself no matter how much suffering and death it causes in the process, just like the rabies virus. In fact Islam has been called ‘the rabies of religions’ .

Since Islam is a vicious, wicked and thoroughly disgusting cult with a particularly loathsome founder, it can’t spread in the manner of other religions by voluntary conversion, but has to force itself on people. And that’s where Jihad comes in.

We normally think of Jihad in terms of major attacks like 9/11 , 7/7 and the child rape and massacre at Beslan , but in fact the aggression can take on many subtler forms. The thin ends of a thousand wedges are slowly being inserted into the structure of Western civilisation.

Here are just a few of the forms that jihad can take, no doubt you can think of others:

BOMBING JIHAD – The objective is not only to cause death and destruction, but also to force the kuffars to waste vast amounts of money and military manpower on security , thus furthering the Economic Jihad.

CENSORSHIP JIHAD – The Islamic belief system is primitive, tribal and illogical and cannot withstand the light of rational analysis. All criticism of Islam must be shut down especially within universities.

CONTAMINATION JIHAD – Jihadists contaminate food to be served to kuffars with their faeces and urine

CORRUPTION JIHAD – The objective is to undermine kuffar public confidence in institutions such as the police , medical profession and immigration service.

DEMOGRAPHIC JIHAD – The objective is for Muslims to gain power by breeding faster than other sections of the population. Muslim women are breeding machines who produce vast numbers of children, and now that polygamy has been legalised Muslim men are free to import up to four wives each.

EDUCATIONAL JIHAD – Muslims are seeking gradually to remove non-Islamic subjects from the school curriculum and to Islamify schools by introducing Muslim observances and revisions of history.

ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL JIHAD – The objective is to weaken the economies of kuffar nations and if possible get control of their major assets. Sharia finance requires kuffars to mortgage their countries’ infrastructure to Muslims.

HUMILIATION JIHAD – Islam is a culture obsessed with honor/shame and domination/subjugation. Islam will therefore look for any opportunity to degrade and humiliate the kuffars, such as the popular ‘jihad-snuff videos’ where kuffars are made to beg for their lives and then ritually slaughtered anyway.

IMMIGRATION JIHAD – Muslims are illegally swarming into Western Europe. Once established they bring in their very extended families by ‘chain-migration’ so that before you know it one Muslim has brought in his entire village.

INFILTRATION JIHAD – Similar to Corruption Jihad except that the objective is to infiltrate institutions in order to make them useful to Muslims.

INTIMIDATION JIHAD – Muslims are quick to take offence at the slightest provovation, even something so trivial as an ice cream wrapper. This makes the kuffar eager to appease their demands to avoid trouble. Of course appeasement only gives rise to further demands – give an inch and they’ll take a mile.

LITIGATION JIHAD – Offended Muslims are very keen to sue kuffars on the slightest pretext. The objective is not necessarily to win the case but to harass the kuffars and force them to spend vast amounts of money on their legal defence, eg the security-probing
Flying Imams who sued the passengers who reported their suspicious behaviour to the authorities, the
hijab-wearing Muslima who didn’t get the hairdressing job and Mark Steyn sued in a Canadian kangaroo court for telling the truth about Islam.

NARCO JIHAD – Muslims are the major suppliers of heroin. This trade supplies funding for jihad and helps destroy kuffar society. The drugs are also used to lure kuffar children into Islamic paedophile rings.

SEXUAL JIHAD Rape and paedophilia are and always have been essential weapons in jihad. Kuffar women and children are booty to be enjoyed by their conquerors. Paedophile abductions of kuffar children by Muslim pimps have become commonplace.

STREET JIHAD – Young kuffar boys, usually alone or in small groups, are set upon and viciously attacked by much larger groups of older youths and men. These crimes are usually hushed up by the media eg Kriss Donald castrated, blinded and burned alive; Henry Webster skull smashed in three places and permanently brain-damaged, and many more only reported in the local press. .


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