Leading Kuwait based Islamic structured finance firm presents it’s annual report-major profits in the shariah compliant industry, while women, children and homosexuals suffer, the money keeps pouring in!
Opec President has a “real sense of humor”, Demand for more oil, “Does not exist” as prices reach record highs
NYSE Euronext buys stake in Doha exchange
Qatar: 3 hours, 9 minutes ago
NYSE Euronext, the world’s largest stock exchange, has agreed to buy a 25% stake in the Doha Securities Market for $250m to expand in the Middle East. The State of Qatar will own the rest of the Securities Market.
(here is what the NYSE Euronext market is….
NYSE Euronext, Inc. (NYSE: NYX, Euronext: NYX) (formerly NYSE Group, Inc. and Euronext N.V.) is an American/European for-profit corporation that operates multiple securities exchanges, most notably the New York Stock Exchange (the “Big Board”), Euronext, and NYSE Arca (formerly known as ArcaEx). NYSE Group also operates NYSE Regulation, which is a non-profit Self-Regulatory Organization that oversees securities firms and companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange and NYSE Arca.