Dhimmitude 101-French Town set aside hours where the public pool is for “women only” due to pressure from the Muslims
Women-only bathing hours for French town
Paris, Jun. 27, 2008 (CWNews.com) – The town of La Verpilliere, France, has set aside certain hours when the city’s swimming pool will be available for women only.
Photo of a women swimming in a “Burkini”.
The decision by officials of the small town (with a population of about 7,000) was a response to demands by local Muslim immigrants, mainly from Turkey, who object to co-ed recreational activities.
France, which today is home to 6 million Muslims, has had varied experiences with its Muslim community. Public schools in Lyon next year will begin offering a special menu for Muslim students while the city of Val d’Oise has banned Muslim mothers wearing veils from school property.