Arab Anti-Terrorism Agencies Conclude Meetings in Tunisia
Friday, June 27, 2008 – 07:45 PM
Resistance??? I think not.
Tunis, (SANA -Syrian news agency)- The participants in the 11th Conference
of Arab anti-terrorism agencies concluded meetings in Tunis on Friday with
recommendations on boosting up the cooperation and coordination among all
the Arab countries to monitor terrorist organizations, tracking them
anywhere in these countries, arresting and bringing their members before
The Conference, in which Syria took part, recommended enacting legislations
and laws to fight this dangerous phenomena and penalizing any misleading
Fatwa that justifies such hostile conduct or incites it in whatever form.
The officials in charge of Arab anti-terrorism agencies also called for
exchanges of visits and expertise and organizing training courses among
Syria’s delegation called for holding an international conference to
differentiate between terrorism and the right of people to resist foreign
occupation and self-determination.
The Syrian interposition talked about fighting the phenomena of terrorism,
ways of enhancing cooperation and coordination among the Arab countries in a
way that preserves common Arab security.
Ahmad Fathi ZAHRA