British Dhimmitude 101-Man upset with Islamaphobia while he is a firm believer in implementing Sharia law, including public flogging in the UK
Should this flogging be the future of the UK? Trafalger Square? Chelsea? St. Johns Wood? Or better yet, In front of Prince Charles’ home?
Mr. Sarwar stars in the opening sequence of It shouldn’t happen to a Muslim, of Channel 4 Dispatches, which aired on the anniversary of the July 7th attacks. This documentary of British “Islamophobia” can be seen on YouTube (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). But Mr. Sarwar is also a firm believer in implementing Sharia law in Britain, including public flogging.
Sarfraz Sarwar is a pillar of the Muslim community in Basildon, Essex. He is constantly abused and attacked, and the prayer centre he used has been burnt to the ground.
Mr Sarwar, who has six children and whose wife is matron of an old people’s home, is a patently decent man. His only crime is his religious faith. He and his fellow worshippers now meet in secret to evade detection, and the attacks that would follow.
The first abuse that Mr Sarwar’s family suffered was in October 2001 – just after the 9/11 attacks – when pigs’ trotters were left outside their door, the walls of their house were covered with graffiti and two front windows were broken.
Since then, the family has suffered many attacks, including a failed fire-bombing. In February, the tyres of Mr Sarwar’s new car were slashed; in March his windows were broken again. He has now installed CCTV cameras, replaced his wooden back door with one made of steel and erected higher fences.
Sarfraz Sarwar, 60, said he couldn’t see the difference between the knife crime epidemic and those accused of plotting and carrying out terror attacks.
Sources: Independent, Echo (English) h/t Bicouac-id (French)
Mr Sarwar, of Gordons, Pitsea, also backed calls for Sharia law to be introduced in Britain and said public flogging should be carried out in town centres.
His comments follow those made by Lord Chief Justice, Lord Phillips, who said aspects of Sharia could be used to settle Islamic disputes, but not in the courts.
Mr Sarwar said: “What’s the difference between knife criminals and suicide bombers?
“They should do exactly what they do with terrorists, “They should hold them for 42 days, question them and put them in prison and solve the problem.”
He said Sharia law would act as a deterrent in solving crime in Britain.
He added: “If anybody is caught with a knife then give them ten lashes in the town centre.
“Sharia law is not controversial. It’s a deterrent. Muslim countries don’t have half the problems we have because Sharia law is there.”
Aspects of Sharia law involve stoning, lashings and cutting off hands.
Mr Sarwar continues to run a minorities support group in Basildon. He was the leader of the Basildon Islamic Centre, in Laindon, before it was burnt down in 2006.
Mr Sarwar is also very concerned for the safety of Muslims today and says racial abuse has increased since the 7/7 London bombings in 2005.
He said: “What is happening is mainly to do with misunderstanding. Maybe there is just a fear of the unknown.
“It is very difficult to work out why this is. I thought we were living in a modern European country, but it is like Victorian times. There is a lot of hate.”
Hat tip- Islam in Europe