The team against forced marriages got 93 reports in 2005, and double that in 2007 with 177.  In the first half of 2008 the team got 93 reports about 97 people.  89% of the reports this year come from girls.

Of the reports in the period between 2005 and June 30th 2008, Pakistanis head the list with 168 and Iraqis with 123 [ed: that is, more than 50%]

The team against forced marriage was established in Nov. 2004 as a cooperative effort between the Directorate of Immigration (UDI), the police and the Norwegian Red Cross.  In the state budget of 2007 it was established as a permanent public authority-based team composed of representatives of the UDI, Police Directorate and the Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs.

Source: UTROP (Norwegian)

Hat tip- Islam in Europe



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