Honor Murders in America: A FOX-TV Documentary.
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These murders are atrocious and everything should be done to help ALL women in the world live free and safe, but this kind of “journalism” so often sloppily put together and poorly researched by FOX and other media outlets is another attempt to tap into fear and xenophobia.
Fox’s claim that we should all be worried because honor killings are happening in America at an “alarming rate” is as shameful as it is unsubstantiated. Crazy people have been committing violence in this country in the name of “faith” since it’s birth. It will continue to happen because it is religion in general that breeds the worst as well as the best in humanity.
Fox seems intent on highlighting only the crazy Muslims.
These type of murders are aberrations and do not reflect true Muslim culture any more than these incidents reflect the actions of those who follow true Christianity:
Will there be a documentary about the alarming rise of murders committed in the name of Jesus.
“Jesus Killings: Who’s next? Is he coming for your children? Stay tuned as Fox News investigates”