Swiss Financial Firm Creates Hedge Fund with Bahrain

About GEMI
Energy is the cornerstone of modern life and offers immense investment potential. For this reason, Gardner Finance has developed the Gardner Energy MacroIndex (GEMI). Its aim is to cover the entire value chain of energy generation. The GEMI Index is unique to the market place as no other active hedge fund performance index product has such a strategy or composition. Its objective is to provide investors with a macro view on global energy markets by looking at the performance of selected investment vehicles belonging to the investment class, “Energy Hedge Funds.” Objective criteria, arranged in a proprietary selection matrix, are applied in selecting the energy hedge funds to be included in the Index as components. The Index includes components representative of a careful hypothetical investment in the investment class “Energy Hedge Funds” to make it suitable for use as a benchmark by investors in international energy markets. More information on GEMI can be obtained at
About Gardner Finance AG
Gardner Finance has a strong history of providing its clients with innovative financial solution platforms that cover a wide range of financial industry products in the commodity trading, publicprivate equity and public/private debt markets. Gardner Finance AG focuses on and is a recognized specialist in the natural resources investment sector where it employs its extensive knowledge of commodity investment products in the energy, agriculture, metals and materials sub-sectors. Gardner’s objective is to enable a comprehensive exposure to the commodity sector with its MacroIndex family of Indices while simultaneously smoothing out the inherent volatility and cyclical nature of these markets.
To learn more about Gardner Finance AG and its products, visit and
For Immediate Release
<!—->ZUG, Switzerland/EWORLDWIRE/July 29, 2008 — Gardner Finance AG (Gardner) announces that it has partnered with Strategia (offshore) sal. in Beirut to help expand its client base and offer its commodity and energy-based products in the region. Strategia (offshore) sal. is an established Middle Eastern business and financial advisory company with established markets in Saudi Arabia, in the U.A.E. and in Lebanon.