The USA in its political correctness is giving up our trradtional holidays for the masses to accommodate the few. This is nuts! This is Dhimmtiude and the allowing of our bending AMERICAN VALUES to those of ISLAMIC ones. This is AMERICA, and when a culture moves to this country, that culture must adapt, and enjoy our traditional holidays. This is creeping shariah, this is Da”WAH, and this will be the end of the vision that Thomas Jefferson had when he and the heros of our democracy wrote the Constitution. Jefferson would be turning over in his grave by now, if he has not already!

comments by Allyson Rowen Taylor

English First denounces Muslim holy day at Shelbyville plant

August 5, 2008
SPRINGFIELD, Va. — English First today denounced as “multiculturalism run amok” a decision by a Tennessee Tyson Foods poultry plant to eliminate Labor Day as a paid holiday for employees and replace it with a paid observance of a Muslim holy day.

The Tyson plant which will no longer observe Labor Day is located in Shelbyville. About 700 of its 1,200 employees are Muslim.
 “Already we have been told by Barack Obama that it is the duty of our children to learn Spanish,” said Jim Boulet Jr., executive director of English First. “Now, an American holiday has been replaced by a Muslim religious festival.”
“A new immigrant to America, legal or illegal, enjoys more rights than taxpaying American citizens,” Boulet said. “The notion that immigrants should adapt to America is being destroyed one bilingual education class, one ‘press one for English,’ and one ACLU-approved Muslim foot-washing bath at a time.”

Hat Tip- Margo I.


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