The Jihad Candidate
by Rich Carroll

Conspiracy theories make for interesting novels when the storyline is not so absurd that it can grasp our attention.
‘The Manchurian Candidate’ and ‘Seven Days in May’ are examples of plausible chains of events that captures the reader’s imagination at best-seller level. ‘What if’ has always been the solid grist of fiction.
Get yourself something cool to drink, find a relaxing position, but before you continue, visualize the television photos of two jet airliners smashing into the Twin Towers in lower Manhattan and remind yourself this cowardly act of Muslim terror was planned for eight years.
How long did it take Islam and their oil money to find a candidate for President of the United States?
As long as it took them to place a Senator from Illinois and Minnesota?
The same amount of time to create a large Muslim enclave in Detroit?
The time it took them to build over 2,000 mosques in America?
The same amount of time required to place radical wahabbist clerics in our military and prisons as ‘chaplains’?
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