Random House accused of cowardice after withdrawing The Jewel of Medina amid fears of Muslim controversy-Actions should be boycotting any product from Random House, letting them know why you will not be buying their products, unless they protect free speech.
(this is how Shariah can affect everyday life. Here we see the silencing of free speech due to fear of terror and threats by Muslims who get “angry”. We all are angry, I am angry about the death of 3,000 people at the WTC, I am angry about the children murdered in Chechnya, I an anrgy about all the people who were beheaded for being Christian, or Americans. However, I do not ask for silencing the rights of free people, who do not live under the laws of Shariah. As far as I know, we still have the right to speak, until Shariah, either by the sword or the financial knife silence us.
comments by Allyson Rowen Taylor
The lawyer who was threatened by terrorists whilst acting for Salman Rushdie has said that Random House US should pay “substantial compensation” to Sherry Jones, whose novel about Muhammad’s child bride Aisha was dropped by the publisher over fears it could provoke terrorist attacks. Jones’s The Jewel of Medina was described as potentially more controversial than both Rushdie’s novel The Satanic Verses and the Danish newspaper cartoons of Muhammad.
Geoffrey Robertson QC, whose latest book The Tyrannicide Brief is published by Random House US and who was under terrorist threat whilst acting for Rushdie, said: “We can’t be overcritical of American publishers for cowering under terrorist threats. After all, the Guardian, like every other British newspaper, lacked the gumption to publish the Danish cartoons. But all who care about free speech have a duty to make this sort of censorship counterproductive. Random House should pay this author substantial compensation, and the book should be placed on a website so everyone can read it.”
to continue to read go to this link…http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2008/aug/12/islam