Below my signature block is a news piece about the Netherlands recognizing Islamic polygamy. This recognition ignites the fuse to a demographic time bomb that will ultimately shift the demographics in the Netherlands.

This is may be cultural suicide.
Bill Gawthrop

Netherlands Recognises Polygamous  Marriages of Muslims
  ROTTERDAM, 12/08/08 – Although polygamy is banned in the Netherlands,  the marriages of Muslims who have several wives are recognised by Dutch  authorities. Registrars in the major cities, in particular, record dozens of  bigamous or polygamous marriages per year. These marriages are prohibited  and an offence in the Netherlands. However, polygamous marriages that take  place in countries where more than one wife is permitted, such as Morocco,  are accepted, newspaper NRC Handelsblad reports. If immigrants with several wives settle in the Netherlands, the local  authorities register all the marriages. However, the Central Bureau for  Statistics (CBS), where all marriages are registered nationally, removes  these bigamous or polygamous marriages from its files, on the assumption  that administrative errors have occurred. As a result, it is not known how  common the phenomenon is in the Netherlands. Amsterdam city council has informed the CBS that the marriages are not  a mistake. “We will now investigate whether this can be regarded as a  trend that was previously not recognised. If this is the case, it is out  task to report this,” CBS researcher Jan Latten explained in NRC  Handelsblad. “At present, it is not included in our statistics,” Latten pointed out.  “In the same way, we delete marriages involving fourteen-year-olds. A man  with two wives just cannot exist by law.” Spokesman T. Verhoeven of the Rotterdam city council disclosed that  polygamous marriages are registered almost every week. “They are simply  acknowledged. It is important for us to check that the documents are  authentic and that the husband does not have Dutch nationality.” Otherwise  the construction is illegal, Verhoeven explained. In Amsterdam, local government employees must inform the Public  Prosecutors’ Office (OM) if there is any suspicion of marriages of  convenience or exploitation of women. But this has never happened, a  spokeswoman revealed. In Rotterdam, too, the registration of bigamous or  polygamous marriages is “practically never” refused, Verhoeven  observed

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