FIrst, it was the “Alms of Jihad”, then it was Steven Emerson and The David Project, Now Random House is dropping a book about Aisha, Mohammads underage wife,Rachel Ehrenfeld gets sued in England for writing, and and here we see the first amendment taking back seat to pressure from Muslim Groups. This is SHARIAH. THIS IS THE SILENT JIHAD. This is a warning to all Americans and Democratic Countries, that our way of life will change unless WE WAKE UP and smell the CREEPING SHARIAH
comments by Allyson Rowen Taylor

Advertising boycott cost hateful host $1 million

US radio host drops case against Muslim group

“Savage Nation” has 8 million listeners a week (Courtesy SF Gate)


Conservative radio talk show host Michael Savage dropped his lawsuit against an Islamic rights group that launched an advertisers’ boycott after he attacked Islam and the Quran on the air, according to press reports.

Last month, Savage filed a copyright and racketeering suit against the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). The case was thrown out by a San Francisco federal judge due to grave legal errors, but the court granted him a chance to re-file the suit by Thursday.

In an unexpected move, Savage’s attorney, Daniel Horowitz, who had earlier vowed to take the case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, said Savage had decided not to pursue the case.

CAIR, a Muslim advocacy group based in Washington, D.C., had posted four minutes of excerpts from the radio show on its website and called for an advertiser boycott. The group says Savage has since lost $1 million in advertising.

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