
Published: 15 Aug 08 11:55 CET

Hat tip-Islam in Europe


(perhaps our “friends” the Queers for a Free Palestine, and Gay’s for Gaza should understand how the Muslims really feel about them. They are really “useful idiots” to support them in their fight against Israel, as they will just a likely want to kill them along with the Jews and Apostates. Islam is not a religion that tolerates homosexuals, though it is rampant in the region regarless of What Ahmindijhad says. Gays should be standing with the West, and the Israel’s against this hatred and lies about them.) Comments by Allyson Rowen Taylor

Two sensitive subjects have crashed into each other in Berlin, with a row over an article in a German Arabic language magazine warning readers that shaking the hands of gay men can transmit diseases.

The article, in the free magazine al-Salam which is distributed to restaurants and cafes around the German capital, is couched in pseudo-scientific language, and accompanied with graphic photos of skin diseases.

Titled “A flesh-eating bacteria and sexual abnormality,” the article claims that gay men are hit by deadly diseases and that Muslim “brothers” should not shake their hands as “one never knows what kind of bacteria and germs are found on them.”

The Lesbian and Gay Association of Berlin-Brandenburg (LSVD) reported the article to the police this week, spokesman Alexander Zinn told The Local.

“We have reported it as a crime to the police and it is now being examined to determine whether it should be dealt with as defamation or incitement,” he said.

The LSVD has long reported homophobia from Germany’s Muslim, largely Turkish community, yet Zinn said protesting against it, or trying to bring the subject into the public arena is fraught with difficulty.

read the whole articlel……
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