this is the “women’s only” beach in Egypt away form the lurking eyes of Men, and thier unbridled desires. This looks like “Breach Prison” to me.
comments by Allyson Rowen Taylor

MARINA, Egypt — Islamic hymns fade out giving way to Arabic pop music as women remove their veils to reveal bikinis or one-piece swimsuits at a religiously correct beach for women only in Egypt.

Welcome to “La Femme,” French for “The Woman,” in the posh resort of Marina, where women can lounge on sun beds, tan, join in a daily belly-dance contest, or breastfeed their babies shielded by barriers of palm tree branches from the prying eyes of men.

The branches even stretch into the Mediterranean Sea to give maximum shelter to the women, who have faced the constraints of growing conservatism in this mostly Muslim country.

read the rest of this at……


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