Adam Sandler faces Middle East movie ban

Adam Sandler’s latest comedy You Don’t Mess With The Zohan has been banned in the Middle East.

Adam Sandler in You Don't Mess With The Zohan, which has been banned in the Middle East

Adam Sandler’s You Don’t Mess With The Zohan has been a big hit with Israeli audiences Photo: SONY PICTURES

Sandler plays a Mossad agent who fakes his death in order to fulfil his dream of becoming a hairdresser, moving to New York and getting a job in a Palestinian-run salon.

His arch-enemy is a preposterous Palestinian character known as The Phantom, played by John Turturro.

The film’s makers insist it is not biased, claiming: “We’re equal opportunities offenders.”

But while it is playing in Israeli cinemas, the film has been banned by censors in Egypt, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates.

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