Swazi Royal Wives go on shopping spree in Dubai, while others starve amid protests
Nokubonga Dlamini, Mbabane

A trip in a chartered jet by King Mswati’s wives to the Middle East has angered Swaziland women, who took to the streets of Mbabane protesting against the extravagant lifestyle of the royal family.
The angry women say the visit to Dubai and other Middle Eastern countries by Mswati’s nine wives, is nothing but a shopping expedition in preparation for the King’s 40th birthday party to be held in the mountain kingdom next month. The protesters, who were clad in black and red colors as a sign of mourning, say the trip has cost Swazi tax payers more than R30 million.
The protesting women brought traffic to a standstill in the city of Mbabane. They marched to the offices of the Minister of Finance and the Prime Minister, who were both not available to receive their memorandum.
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