Tuesday, August 26, 2008
This is Shariah. This is what is incorporated into Shariah Laws from the smallest village in Iran to the Dow Jones Islamic Index. However, due diligence about what Shariah is has been either ignored, or not disclosed as the lure of huge amounts of petro dollars enter our market. Who would have thought that Enron, and Fannie Mae would go bust? If these became high risks, with all advisors waxing poetic about these investments, why are we not raising the flag to Shariah Finance? We are ringing the bell, letting our readers know that we want full investigation into all Shariah investments, and full disclosure, and due diligence to protect not only our financial investments, but the future of democracy, the West, and our childrens rights to live free.
Comments by Allyson Rowen Taylor

A prominent Islamic Scholar and former president of the Gambia Supreme Islamic Council, Alhagie Ahmed Cherno Banding Drammeh, has said that Muslim men who marry more than four wives should be stoned to death.

The renowned preacher made this pronouncement to The Point yesterday following a media report that a man in Nigeria’s Niger State, known as Mr Bello Abubakar, is married with 86 wives and 170 children.

Alhagie Banding expressed his support on the verdict given by Nigeria’s Islamic Authority Jamatu Nasril Islam (JNI) which told Mr Abubakar to choose only four and repent or else he will face a death sentence.

Talking to the media, Mr Abubakar challenged Muslim scholars, saying there is no punishment stated in Quran for having more than four wives but however advised other men not to follow his example and marry 86 women.

Reacting to the above comments, Alhagie Banding stressed that during the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) there existed a man who married 10 wives but the Holy Prophet asked him to choose only four and divorce the remaining six as prescribed by the Sharia.

 He questioned the justification of Mr Bello’s act, noting that something that the Prophet condemned should be food for thought for any Muslim.

In a rather surprising move, Alhagie Banding refuted Mr Bello’s coments, stressing that his punishment is to be stoned to death only because he has gone beyond the Islamic law (Sharia). continue reading at…..



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