How Britain’s Culture is Being Supplanted: Muslim-Dominated Council Tries to Force Muslim Rituals upon Non-Muslims
[1] In a dramatic example of how Britain is being steadily colonised by Islamic culture, the Muslim-controlled Tower Hamlets council in London has issued instructions for all council meetings during the Ramadan month to be kept to a minimum and for all non-Muslim councillors to observe the Ramadan Fast.
New council leader Lutfur Rahman, who was born in Pakistan, and his deputy, Siraj Islam (pictured), sent an email to all councillors this week outlining arrangements for Town Hall committee meetings next month, which marks the Muslim fasting period of Ramadan.
The email requests that meetings be kept to a minimum to accommodate fasting councillors, and asks all other councillors to resist eating until the breaking of the fast at sunset.
It is the first time such a request has been made and it comes as Ramadan falls earlier this year during the longer daylight hours.
Council bosses have ordered that the Town Hall’s business agenda should also be reduced, with only seven scheduled committee meetings for the entire month, to deal with the Ramadan restrictions.
Officers have also been barred from arranging any more meetings and asked to find ways of dropping some of the seven that have already been scheduled.
Those going ahead generally start at about 6.30pm, so with sunset due to fall just after 7.30pm at the beginning of September and around 6.30pm by the end of Ramadan, the breaking of the fast, known as Iftar, will take place during meetings.
At those points, there will be 45 minute adjournments to allow members to eat and pray, council leaders have ordered.
Normally, tea, coffee and sandwiches are set aside for councillors to nibble at during evening meetings. But during Ramadan, these will be reduced and complemented by Iftar food packs containing chicken, lamb and vegetarian snacks.
However, in his email the council’s bizarrely-named “head of democratic services”, John Williams, said: “It is requested that members do not partake of any refreshments until after the Iftar refreshments are served.”
Article printed from The British National Party News:
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