Imams, Norway and Being Gay-Wants Gays to come out, but says they cannot be Muslim if they are Gay
“Most of all they need somebody to speak with. Imams must therefore be open to listen to homosexual Muslims. We recommend that everybody respect homosexuals and lesbians”, says Kobilica.
The Islamic Council is an umbrella organization for the Islamic faith societies and organizations in Norway. It represents close to 70,000 Norwegian Muslims. [ed: out of an estimated 120,000-150,000]
By saying imams should listen to homosexual Muslims, Kobilica opens the door for homosexual Muslims. But the head of the Islamic Council thinks it’s incompatible to be a homosexual and a believing Muslim.
“It isn’t possible to live homosexually and at the same time say that one practices Islam. These are two incompatible things.”
– Isn’t is also an interpretation of Islam, that one can’t be an homosexual and a believing Muslim?
“No. Homosexuality goes against what Islam stands for, and therefore it can’t be combined.”
– How should the imams treat homosexual Muslims?
“The imams should listen to homosexuals and to their concerns. But naturally we will also inform them about Islamic thought and how it relates to homosexuality.”
– Can homosexuality be cured?
“I don’t want to speak of curing or that homosexuality is an illness. As an imam I will note that every Muslim should live in conformity to basic Islamic principles.”
Earlier this week the Islamic Council of Norway’s met with SV’s homo-network, where they spo ke of homosexual Muslims in Norway. This is the first time the Islamic Council met with homosexual representatives to debate on this issue.
Two and half weeks ago the Children and Equality Minister, Anniken Huitfeldt, criticized the Islamic Council for not rejecting the death sentence against homosexuals. (..)
“We stress that the Islamic Council of Norway rejects the death sentence for homosexuals in Norway, but we don’t want to go into legislation in other countries,” says Kobilica.
continure reading at…………………………….Islam in Europe
Source: Dagsavisen (Norwegian)
See also: Norway: Islamic Council facing loss of funds over homosexuality question, Norway: Still waiting, Norway: Waiting for the fatwa, Norway: Islamic Council turns to European Fatwa Council for ruling on homosexuals