Atlanta Journal Constitution discusses Shariah Finance
By Shaunti Feldhahn
At first glance, companies practicing Muslim Sharia look like a conservative investor’s dream – and establishments that family-oriented consumers would want to support. Companies following Sharia avoid gambling, porn and alcoholic businesses, will not charge interest and will not try to produce extreme profits. One giant Bahrain-based financial holding company that follows Sharia, once named the First Islamic Investment Bank (now called Arcapita), is the largest Middle-East based investment firm in the U.S.. Caribou Coffee, PODS, and Church’s Chicken are just three of their many holdings. (Edible Arrangements, Travelodge, Madame Tussauds, Barney’s New York, Loehmanns, General Motors Building in NY, Chrysler Building in New York, percentage of Citibank, Och ZIff, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, and more……..added by Allyson Rowen Taylor)
The problem comes when you realize that Sharia is an all-encompassing ideology that many adherents believe should not and cannot be limited just to business. In many countries its personal application leads to terrible human rights violations, such as men being allowed to beat and subjugate their wives, authorities cutting off hands for stealing, and so on.
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