Tower Hamlets does not do Christmas – but Ramadan is ok

 (This is creeping Shariah, this is why we need to be concerned) comments from blogger, not in article

Tower Hamlets is a borough of London, its population is majority Muslim and as you know htis borough has been in the news because of its arrangements for Ramadan, the Opinionator posted at some length about this.

The council denied that the arrangements it made for Ramadan were being forced upon non Muslim people, well it would wouldn’t it.

Tower hamlets has now gone one step further,it does not do Christmas From the article:

Councilors in Tower Hamlets, East London, have been told not to eat in town hall meetings during the Muslim month of Ramadan.

But the same council has renamed a staff Christmas party as a ‘festive meal’ and banned Guy Fawkes at bonfire night.

This is a blatant derogation of the foundations of this country and demonstrates a mindset that is anti British, anti Christian and wishes to see the adoption of an alien culture within the Capital city of this country.





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