“Generating Potential for Energy and Real Estate Development Deals by Utilizing Islamic Financial Structures
A Webinar for the International Islamic Finance Forum – North America
Guest Speaker: Michael McMillen, Chair – Islamic Legal Forum, American Bar Association, Partner and Head – Islamic and OIC Jurisdictions Finance and Investment Practice, Fulbright & Jaworski
*Complete your overseas business partnerships toolkit by learning how to create deals using Islamic structures in energy and real estate development
*Find out where the next mega-deals using sukuk (Islamic bonds) will occur and what financial methodology must be completed to prepare assets in an Islamic deal
*Discover the similarities between conventional and Islamic finance; the
*Attract Islamic investors by gaining significant insights into how conventional and Islamic law dovetails in the business world
*Fund large-scale projects and have the confidence in your legal agreements to work in many jurisdictions in the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia and Western Asia
*Learn the role that a shariah advisor plays in sourcing deals, approving innovation in financial structures and in offering financial services to Muslims