Photo From the Minnesota Star-Tribune:

Vijay Kumar calls it demographic conquest, others call it the quiet jihad or stealth jihad.  Here, a reader named Avi, gives us one of the best descriptions I’ve seen lately of why this Greeley/Swift & Co/Somali issue is so critical and what it means in the larger scheme — planting Shariah in America.     Sent as a comment to this post, I thought it was too important and well-written to bury there.

From Avi, The Muslim Brotherhoods Jihad in Minnesota

Jihad is the duty of all Muslims. Whether by force or by democratic means, jihad calls for the overthrow of secular governments and the imposition of Islamic rule and law, or sharia. In this future Islamic state other religions will, at best, be subjugated to Muslim dominance. This type of jihad succeeded in Iran and Somalia and is inching toward that same goal in numerous corners of the world including Iraq, Thailand, Pakistan, and Algeria, to name a few.

In the West, for the moment, this totalitarian vision of Islamic political and religious domination is unrealistic. Here, jihad puts on a more palpable and patient mask. Through a vast network of organizations and institutions, it slowly demands accommodation of Islamic law using democracy and religious freedom as its greatest allies. This stealth jihad is jihad nonetheless and in America it finds its most fertile ground in Minnesota.

continue reading at………….


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