Seven years after 9/11 danger endures Canada’s security forces should use Moderate Muslims to root out radicals
September 11, 2008
By Farzana Hassan
The Gazette, Montreal
Seven years after the 9/11 tragedy, Canadians are still unsure about
how to tackle the problem of growing extremism in our midst. The
debate over who to shun and who to court in this ongoing struggle is
compounded by a policy of appeasement that many in the West have
adopted toward Islamists and their radical supporters.
Moderate Muslims who challenge the quintessentially religious are put
immediately on the defensive. They must soften their concerns about
the growing radicalization of Muslim youth with tirades against other
ethnic communities and their radical elements. A recent public meeting
organized by CSIS and the RCMP was a case in point. It erupted into
often bitter exchanges among Muslims.
There is no doubt the aboriginal, Sikh, Tamil and African-Canadian
communities have their share of troubled youth, as do other ethnic and
religious groups living within Canadian borders. But the present and
more pervasive threat to the security of Canada, including its largely
law-abiding Muslim population, comes from radical Islamist
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