Women and the dawn of Islam
Mon, 15 Sep 2008 10:52:40 GMT
By Dex A. Eastman, Press TV, Tehran

(These women look like chattel to me-this is a photo of women in Iran, who have little or no rights regardless of this puff propagand article written by a journalist in Iran) comments by Allyson Rowen Taylor-Photo courtesy of MereRhetoric.com

The dawn of Islam changed the world’s perception of women’s rights, gave them the voice to demand that which was justly theirs and provided them with unprecedented freedoms.
History is littered with examples of women being treated as lesser citizens and deprived of even the most basic of rights. Centuries ago in societies such as Egypt, Rome and Greece, which were considered the most enlightened of their day, women were at the disposal of men.

Ancient Greek philosophers believed that women were of strong emotion but weak mind and that they had to be protected from themselves. Women were classed as either a wife or a non-wife. The former were kept for producing legitimate heirs, while the latter were little more than instruments of pleasure and amusement for men.

In ancient Rome, women were thought to be only slightly more intelligent than children. They had no right of inheritance or ownership. A wife was the purchased property of a husband, acquired for his benefit. A father or a husband had the right to sell his daughter or wife to whomever he pleased. Women were treated like chattels and were inherited by the oldest son.

After the death of a husband in ancient Egypt, all his belongings, which included his wife or wives, were buried in his tomb. The wife was buried so that he could benefit from a delicate and tender being in the next world.

continue article at……………..   www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=69475&sectionid=3510304



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