China fourth trade partner of Algeria
Algeria main destination of Chinese investments in Middle East and North Africa


China became the fourth largest trade partner of Algeria, after the U.S, France and Italy.

A report released by the World Bank, has shown that China focuses its trade efforts on the Middle East, and North Africa, considering it as its main energetic source, while the Chinese demand on the region’s oil is estimated at 44%, and 11% for gas.
According to the statistics of the Customs services for both 2007, and 2008, the trade exchanges between Algeria, and China, reached $3.513 billions. Yet, the Algerian imports are estimated at $2.40 billions, while the Algerian exports to China, are up to $1.10 billions.
In this context, 41 Chinese companies specialized in public works, construction, and telecommunications, are operating in Algeria, however the Chinese workers in Algeria, are up to 20 thousand, or 50% of the foreign workers in Algeria, according to the latest official statistics
In their turn, the share of the Chinese cars market in Algeria, reached 10% during the last 5 years, despite campaign led against the quality of these cars. Still, China intends opening plants specialized in cars assembling in Algeria, in the near future.    

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