Article by Jerry Gordon-The Iconoclast-DVD Obsession arrives in Greely CO.
Whoever is the unnamed benefactor at the Clarion Fund who financed the shrink wrapped Obsession DvD’s that came in the Sunday edition of papers in Greeley, CO. and thousands of other American communities deserves the highest honors, likewise Tom Trento and his team at Florida Security Council-see There you will find a 12 minute trailer. Now, when The Third Jihad film comes out on October 28th, if a similar benefactor could underwrite the distribution of that DvD, then you’d see how Islam has infiltrated and intimidated America, Eurabia and Londonistan in a ‘cultural Jihad”. The film discusses the ‘secret plan’ of the Ihkwan, the Muslim Brotherhood and its front groups to take over America and overthrow our constitution and replace it with Sharia law. Watch the trailer for the film, here. I notice that the Holy Land Foundation re-trial in the Dallas Federal court has begun with jury selection. We hope the prosecutors do a better job of vetting jurors for this trial than they did the last one. It is not lost of me that the Somali dispute erupted during Ramadan.
Chris Casey writes in the Greeley Tribune (h/t Refugee Resettlement Watch):
Lindsay, the CSU professor, said the Muslims who flew the airplanes into the Twin Towers felt they were doing God’s work.