Monday, 22 September 2008
“Obsession” Arrives In Greeley, Co

Whoever is the unnamed benefactor at the Clarion Fund who financed the shrink wrapped Obsession DvD’s that came in the Sunday edition of papers in Greeley, CO. and thousands of other American communities deserves the highest honors, likewise Tom Trento and his team at Florida Security Council-see There you will find a 12 minute trailer. Now, when The Third Jihad  film comes out on October 28th, if a similar benefactor could underwrite the distribution of that DvD, then you’d see how Islam has infiltrated and intimidated America, Eurabia and Londonistan in a ‘cultural Jihad”. The film discusses the ‘secret plan’ of the Ihkwan, the Muslim Brotherhood and its front groups to take over America and overthrow our constitution and replace it with Sharia law.  Watch the trailer for the film, here. I notice that the Holy Land Foundation re-trial in the Dallas Federal court has begun with jury selection. We hope the prosecutors do a better job of vetting jurors for this trial than they did the last one.  It is not lost of me that the Somali dispute erupted during Ramadan.  

Chris Casey writes in the Greeley Tribune (h/t Refugee Resettlement Watch):

Nationally, the DVD arrived on 28 million doorsteps as rhetoric on homeland security heats up in the presidential race.
The confluence of recent events — the Muslim workers’ dispute and, on its heels, the “Obsession” DVD — is the talk of the town. Many Greeley residents have noticed the 400 mostly Somali refugees who’ve arrived in the past 18 months to take jobs at JBS Swift. The workers say they are here to escape the oppression of their war-torn homeland, build a new life and peacefully practice their religion.
What to make of these newcomers and their religion, which is indelibly linked to 9/11 and other violent acts across the globe, has sparked a variety of views. The DVD alone prompts widely different opinions.
A Greeley woman calls the disc “neo-con propaganda,” while a history professor at Colorado State University says the film is factually accurate and shows it in his classes.
James Lindsay, an associate professor of Middle Eastern history at CSU, takes an opposite view on “Obsession.” He believes it’s a straightforward look at radical Islam.
He said the producers are explicit that film is about the radical ideology within Islam, which is advanced by the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaida and other groups. The film’s introduction states that most Muslims are peaceful and don’t support terror. 
The militant Islamic branch — which the film says makes up about 10 percent to 15 percent of a worldwide Muslim population of 1.2 billion, the world’s second-largest religion behind Christianity — has a conquest ideology, Lindsay said. 
“It’s one of subjugating the world to their ideology. There is not room for another ideology, according to the radical Muslim ideology, and it’s frightening,” he said. “But it’s part and parcel of the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood and the al-Qaida types that they want to impose their will on everyone.” 
The film acknowledges that part of that mindset stems from a fear that the West is out to destroy Islam, and that the religion’s followers must strike first.
[Seeme] Hasan, [a Colorado Muslim who co-founded Muslims for America and the Hasan Family Foundation, a nonprofit that promotes understanding between developing countries and the United States],agrees that there is a radical strand that claims adherence to Islam. But she dismisses them as brainwashed and “sick, sick individuals” who don’t practice Islam but rather a singular and misguided hatred of America.
Hasan, who is married to a physician and has homes in Denver and Beaver Creek, returned from Washington, D.C., Thursday after being invited to the White House’s annual dinner observance of Ramadan. Hasan, an ardent supporter of the Bush administration, said she spoke last week with a Brazilian ambassador about the problems at the Brazilian-owned JBS Swift plant in Greeley. 
She believes the Somalis in Greeley will assimilate within about eight years. Resettling people to the United States from a country of poverty and poor education is a complex process, she said. 
The U.S. or United Nations should assign social workers to the refugees to smooth their transitions, Hasan said, “then the communities where these people are sent to, it would be a much happier atmosphere.”

Lindsay, the CSU professor, said the Muslims who flew the airplanes into the Twin Towers felt they were doing God’s work.

Muslims who say “jihad” means the struggle for personal betterment aren’t giving the full picture of what’s written in the classical text, he said. Rather, the text says the Islamic practitioner is preparing himself to be a better warrior. 
“The idea of the jihad as laid out by extremists is one of the doctrines within the Quran itself,” Lindsay said. “It’s a fundamental tenet of Islamic religion and it has been in Islamic history — engaging in warfare against the enemies of Islam.” 
Conflicts between the West and Islam are inevitable, Lindsay said, because the demands of Islamic law are in conflict with the West’s approach to law and religion. The Quran speaks of creating a society that’s obedient to God’s law, not obedient to men’s model, he said…

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