An Iranian teenager is sentenced to five years in prison for being a political activist-Did Larry King ask Ahmidinejad about this last night on his propaganda puff interview?…
This is who should be in prison!
Iran: Teenager sentenced to five years for political activism
Tehran, 19 Sept. (AKI) – A sixteen-year-old teenager has been sentenced to five years in jail for political activism.
Ebrahim Mehrnahad was sentenced by a court in Zahedan, capital of Iran’s Sistan-Baluchestan province for ‘conspiracy against the central powers’.
Mehrnahad is the younger brother of Yaghoub Mehrnahad, a journalist and activist who was hanged on 4 August in Zahedan for alleged membership of Jundallah (Soldiers of Allah), an armed Baluchi group.
Ebrahim was also a member of a youth cultural association, founded by his late brother.
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