Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, follows in Livingstone’s path with appeasement to the Muslim Population in UK-Dhimmitude 101
Boris reassures Muslims of his
By Ahmed J Versi
In an exclusive interview, Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, reassured the Muslim community that he would continue in the step of his predecessor Ken Livingstone on supporting diversity and equality projects.
“One thing I decided very early on was that the only way to run London is to support diversity and to recognise that you have got to be proactive and give encouragement and support to all communities,” Johnson said. He added that it was important to “celebrate the achievements of communities” in London that make the city so attractive. “London would not be London and it wouldn’t be the greatest city on earth if it wasn’t for the hundreds of communities who live here.”
There were concerns that programmes like ‘Eid in the Square’, ‘Diwali in the Square’ held in Trafalgar Square and other faith based events would not be supported nor funded. However, he said he was “totally behind that” and would “support that completely.”
Muslims were also concerned about the Mayor’s and of his new Director of Policy, Anthony Browne’s negative remarks on Islam in the Spectator magazine. For example, Browne argued in July 24, 2004 that Islam wants to conquer the world etc. “I understand completely people’s concerns,” he said and argued that one has to “distinguish between the kind of slightly careless polemical things people may say in their journalistic capacity which can be drawn out and used against them. You have to distinguish between that and what they really want to do in London.”
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