Kudos to the British Tories who are rejecting Shariah Courts!
British Tories reject sharia courts
Hurray for the Conservative Party of Britain — the Tories. The Telegraph (UK) reports:
A Conservative government would ban sharia courts and impose a tough crackdown on Islamic extremism, the shadow security minister has said. [A shadow minister is the person in the party out of power who will take that position if the party gains power.] Pauline Neville-Jones, a former head of the Joint Intelligence Committee, said: “We are not going to have any status for sharia courts. Absolutely not.”
Earlier this month it emerged that the Government had quietly allowed rulings of five sharia courts across Britain to be enforceable through the county courts or High Court.
We reported on September 15 that the Labour government is now allowing Muslims their own courts that use sharia law for civil cases. The Conservative Party is out of power, so its policies have no official standing. They’re already way up in the polls; I’ll bet this will put them farther ahead. The article continues:
Speaking the day after Dominic Grieve, the shadow home secretary, said Britain had “done something terrible to ourselves” by encouraging multiculturalism, Lady Neville-Jones said that the Conservatives would make the case for more “integration” among all British people, whatever their backgrounds.
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