Fear Stalks Muslim Apostates in the West

(Many of the former Muslim Heros against Shariah have been very vocal about the dangers of Shariah Law and the human rights abuses that often follow with it. We have amazing people like Nonie Darwish, and Wafa Sultan in the USA who have put up with death threats, and threats against their families in order to preserve Democracy and the freedom of speech. Very often these women, and the other heros who have spoken out do so without the full protection of any security services, and do so with great risk. But they choose to do just what Patrick Henry said-“Give me liberty or give me Death”. However, we cannot continue to let them do so without offering some type of protection.  If you are interested in helping me help them, please contact me via the comments section of this blog. These people are the true heros of the century and we need to make them feel secure as they speak out against Shariah and the true Jihad that is facing us today.
Thank you,
Allyson Rowen Taylor)
by David J. Rusin
American Thinker
August 3, 2008

Persuading Western Muslim leaders to repudiate Shari’a-sanctioned violence against apostates can be a frustrating exercise, as Prince Charles discovered in 2004. Troubled by the treatment of Muslims who convert to Christianity in Islamic nations, the prince convened a summit of senior figures from both religious communities. It ended in disappointment. The Islamic representatives failed to issue a declaration condemning the practice, which the Christians had requested; they also cautioned non-Muslims not to discuss such matters in public, arguing that moderates would be more likely to make progress if the debate were kept internal.

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, the outspoken Anglican prelate of Rochester, attended the meeting but rejected their advice. While continuing to highlight the perils faced by those who leave Islam in countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran, he now has turned his focus to the harassment of apostates in the West. Last year the bishop warned that a convert could die in Britain unless prominent Muslims affirm the right of all people to change their faith. There have been few takers, despite the dire need for this message: a poll indicates that 36% of younger British Muslims believe death to be an appropriate punishment for renouncing Islam.

continue reading at.                http://www.sodahead.com/blog/18944/

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