Imagine Dodger Stadium full of loud and whooping fans cheering on, not baseball, but your weekly stoning and flogging of adulterers, thieves and other errant citizens of southern California.

This is America under Islamic law, or Shari’a, a system that everyone should fear. Or so, Alan Kornman, director of the United American Committee (UAC) thinks. He continues to fundraise for a freeway billboard in Florida stating, “Shari’a Is Hate,” to educate America before it’s too late.As Kornman argues, “under Shari’a

law if you are accused of stealing, a hand and foot from opposite sides are amputated. If you are caught having an affair, the woman is stoned to death and the man is given 80 lashes. If you change religions, you can be charged under apostasy laws and given the death sentence by a legal Sharia court.”

The implementation of Shari’a is much more subtle than the quotation from Kornman suggests, however.


Through Shari’a, Islamists govern the private lives of individuals as well as regulate the social, political, and economic aspects of society.  Islamism crosses national borders, with the final goal of asserting the Muslim ummah globally, with all non-Muslims as second class citizens.   It is a totalitarian ideology, and Islamists do want to make Europe and the US Islamist states.


Don’t wait for floggings in your local neighborhood. Consider the following incidences:


1. Muslim cab drivers in Minneapolis refusing fares where would-be passengers are carrying alcohol because it is a sin to drink in Islam:


This first example exemplifies the lack of tolerance Islamists have for non-Muslims. It is one thing to believe drinking is a sin; it’s quite another to enforce your opinion on others. Muslims aren’t alone in this belief. Consider Mormons, who don’t drink coffee because of the caffeine.  The problem is the belief that you have the right to impose your opinion on people of a different faith, or no faith at all. 







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