Woman in UK denied the “morning after “Pill by a Muslim Pharmacist! Shariah in the drugstore!
Mother is denied pill by Muslim pharmacist
A woman was refused the “morning-after pill” by a supermarket’ s duty
pharmacist because it was against his religious beliefs.
By Paul Stokes
Last Updated: 3:56PM BST 03 Oct 2008
Ruth Johnson, 33, who has two children, including a month-old baby, had not
been using her usual method of contraception with her fiancée.
She went to the Tesco dispensary in Hewitts Circus, Cleethorpes, Lincs, and
asked an as assistant for the pill Levanelle.
Miss Johnson was told it could only be dispensed by the locum pharmacist who
was called to speak with her.
She said: “He came out from behind a screen and told me that he would not be
allowing me to buy the pill from him because he had a right to refuse to
sell it on the basis of his personal beliefs.
“The pharmacist was of Asian origin so I asked him if it was because of his
religion and he replied ‘Yes’.”
continue reading at http://www.telegrap h.co.uk/news/ uknews/3129625/ Mother-is- denied-pill- by-Musl
im-pharmacist. html