An American Muslim makes his case for Shariah in America
Mel Watt-Dhimmi This reader’s comment is in response to an earlier post I did about an American Congressman who refused to condemn Sharia Law.
Now before you go raging against the obvious contradictory statements made by this reader, think for a moment about his total and complete lack of knowledge of what Sharia Law actually is and what forms of law it consists of…. and then think of the contrary…the fact that he may be totally clear about what Sharia Law is, but lying (Taqiyya) to you and everyone else as his own form of political Jihad. Many times we see both ignorance among Muslims, as well as complete and outright indoctrination and the willingness to lie for whatever agenda they have to put forward political Islam So let’s recap: It was the leader and founder of CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations) Omar M. Ahmad who said:
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