Doll sold that gave Islamic Messages, without disclosure, pulled from Wal Mart Shelves
Doll pulled over Islamic message
by Sandy Maple Oct 10th 2008 10:00AM
Categories: In the news, Weird but true, Toys & games
Elmo Live may be the hot toy of the season this year, but it’s a cute little baby doll who is getting all the attention right now. Fisher Price’s Little Mommy Real Loving Baby Cuddle and Coo doll is supposed to utter only one actual word: Mama. The rest of the sounds emanating from the speakers inside the doll are just cooing and giggling sounds. Or are they? Some say they hear the words “Islam is the Light” among the baby babble are demanding the toy be removed from the shelves.
Gary Rofkahr of Owasso, Oklahoma says he bought the doll and was shocked by what he heard. “I have a 1-year-old granddaughter,” he said. “It makes me mad that someone is trying to indoctrinate our children with an innocent toy.”
Tagged with: Shariah and toys